Ouch! (VIII)

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As soon as she left us, he threw me a knife. Somehow I catched it. When I held and looked at it I reconized it right away. It was my knife. To be exact it was the knife that I stabbed Angel with. He got closer to me bare handed.

Without saying a word, he threw his fist at me. I dodge it by making a step forward and leaning my body closer to the ground. I used the moment of speed to make same thing as with Angel. I was just about to stab him, but then I fell on a ground wit my arms crossed on my back. I also felt that he rested his knee slightly below my hands.

I was unable to move, but it seemed that he couldn't care less as he was twsting my arms to the moment it felt like it could break every moment now. I felt chest pain probably from the wound from yesterday.

-S-Stop! Enough! You'll break them!

-You want me to stop? Then make me.

He sounded dead serious. I couldn't move and I felt that it's harder for me to breathe. The pain in my arms was building up.


I felt more pain but also a bit of relief. He raised his knee a bit. My right shoulder was dislocated. I used this moment to roll on my back. He landed beside me so I kicked him and jumped back.

I rested my elbow on my knee. It hurted a lot, so I couldn't rise it. I bended my knee to rise my arm and hitted it as fast and hard as I could right below my shoulder.


I felt even more pain. Ben just stood up and looked at me shocked.

I moved my arm.

There wasn't any blockade so theoretically I could move my arm freely... In reality pain was so numbing that I couldn't focus at anything. I didn't even notice when Ben came so close to me. I felt knife on my throat. He probably picked it up, when I wasn't looking.

-I am the one who's supposed make you suffer. Not you – I felt his warm breath on my neck – Maybe you like it, huh? When a man makes you suffer.

-Shut up, you perv!

I clenched my teeth and hit him with the back of my head. I felt that he cutted skin on neck when he staggered back.

-Ugh! You crazy bitch! You could've got yourself killed!

-So? – I said as I picked another knife from left side of the tent.

Shit. I don't know how much longer am I supposed to endure it.

I could somehow incapacitate him, but to do that I need both hands to work normally. He's super strong, but he doesn't show it.

Looking at his earlier reaction, he definitely holds back not to hurt me too much.

I felt blood starting to drip from cut.

-You're good. I have to admit it. No wonder Angel took you here. You might turn out not to be so useless. I know what you'll be doing for us.

He was fast. Even faster than before. He appeared behind my back and put a cloth to my mouth. I tried to fight, but my body wasn't listening. I felt that I'm losing strenght in my muscles. Ben held me tight as everything turned black.

Fuck. How many times will I lose consciousness this week because ot them?


-Where the hell am I?!

I was standing with my hands cuffed to a barrel above my head in a dark room. A man came to the only source of light which was right above me. I've never seen a man of his high. He was slightly below two meters, I think. Even in his uniform, I could tell, that he had amazing muscles.

As he came a bit closer I began to see his face.

I must be imaginating things, cause I swear that I just saw the most beautifull person on the world. He was so handsome that I began to wonder if it's possible that I've met an angel.

His straight, black hair were a bit messy and were covering his eyes a little. But as he kept getting closer I was able to see it. His left eye was just like saphire. Like a night sky full of stars. But his right eye was green with golden spots.

He stopped so close to me that I felt the warmth of his body.

-What do you want from me? – I asked tamming my anger.

His expression changed. I didn't know what he's feeling right at the moment.

-Why won't you calm down, little kitten, and tell me where did you took her?

Oh my... How someone be so perfect? If we would met in different situation, I would deffinitely fall for him. If not in his look, then in his voice.

-Who the hell do you mean?

He leaned close enough for me to feel his breath on my neck. As he spoke I could feel his lips gently touching my ear as he whispered almost purring.

-Calm down, kitty. I mean general Luciano.

-And why in the fuck would I tell you this?!

-I tried to be nice, but it seems that this won't do. Then I have to make you talk and you won't like it.

He took out a knife and smiled.

He wasn't an angel. 

I just met a devil in person.

He raised his hand and was just about begin my tortures.



Here's me again. I hope You like it.

I reccomend You not to follow any fight accion from this and please don't try to fix your dislocated schoulder on your own. The way I described it is hella painfull. So please, go to doctor when this happends T-T

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