Never help a man dying in your trash(II)

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-Holy mother of fuck...

The man growled in pain. His breath was sharp and short. His face was in pain.

-Um... Mr? Do you need help? I-I mean you obviously need it, but you may don't want me to help you...

-Could you... shut up... and help me? – said the man through clenched teeth slowly sitting up.

-Are you still in danger? Do you want me to help you inside?

He slightly noded. Getting him up wasn't the easiest thing especially that he weighted wayyyy more than he looked. Somehow I managed to take him inside.

Shit, I didn't throw out the trash... Why the hell do I think about that?! This man's literally dying.

I made him lay on couch. His black shirt was ripped and soaked with blood. I went to the storage and took first-aid kit. I rushed to the man and took scissors. I was just about to cut his shirt, but I stopped when I realised something.

-This looks really expensive. Could you take it off?

-Fuck... the shirt... ugh... I'll buy new one.

-As you wish, but please tell me if I'll hurt you.

I started cutting from the bottom and...

My God his abs.

As I could see more I was more... terrified. I mean, I saw this kind of images, even worse than this one, but I never thought that I'll see something like that out of the military. I cleaned it fast trying not to make him more hurt.

-One, two, three gunshot injuries. One, two... five knife wounds?! It's only your chest and belly! How the fuck are you still alive?

-I won't... last for long... if you'll keep... talking...

-Right, sorry. You still have bullets left in your body. You have to go to the hospital.


As I pressed onto the wounds that bleeded the most with a towel, he let out a silent moan of pain. His breaths fastened.

-Ok! Calm down. I can stich knife wounds, but I may not be able to help you with bullets. Do you have anyone, who could take care of this?

-My... phone... back... pocket...

It was obvious that he was in huge pain, so I hurriedly took his phone.




-Really? That easy?


-Y-Yes, right... Umm, who should I call? First one is Nathaniel, should I call him?

He noded so I called this Nathaniel. As soon as he heard me, he asked if the owner of the phone is dead. I explained in what state he is and where we are, stiching most of the wounds. The man hung up the phone the moment I told him where we are. I went to go for some fresh towels, but when I came back he was already gone and only thing that insured me that it wasn't some sort of dream was bloody stain that remained.

-Da fuck? Is he a Batman, or somethin? - I said to myself and then looked at the stain. - I'm glad that the couch's dark red... Wait... Damn it! Why the hell did i not call THE FUCKING COPS?! What if he's some sort of criminal and now I'll have a problem cause I helped him?

I said that, but I felt that I couldn't do this. Something was off about this man. How did he survive somethin like that? Every normal person would pass out because of amount of pain and if not there's still blood loss. 

I quietly cursed. I cleaned up this whole mess. I was really proud of myself, cause there almost wasn't any trace after blood.I went to throw out the trash again. It stayed in place where I dropped it. 

I was just about to close the bar and go home, but I felt, that someone really strong grabbed my arm and pushed me to the wall. When I opened my eyes I looked at extremly handsome and angry man. He had almost white hair and grey eyes. He was very tall, so he had to bend over to face me. He was so close that I could feel his perfume which made me dizzy. 

-I'm gonna ask you just once - said the man with really deep voice that made my legs weak a little. - Where is he? 

Fucking knew it. 

-Who? - I asked trying to play dumb.

-I saw you helping him, so don't pretend and answer the damned question! 

-I-I don't know! - I raised my voice a little, so I lowered it. - I just helped him and then he vanished just like in fucking movies, ok? 

-Boss, we got a problem - I almost flinched when I heard another voice. 

I looked on the right and I noticed a group of men. 

-What is it Marco? - said white haired guy turning his head. 

I didn't even think. I just took the ocasion and started running. I heard some voices behind me, but I didn't look around. I tried to call the police, but all the lines were occupied. 


So I called my only hope. 


-Are you girl running? What's up? 

-Sien, I have a problem. Remember when... you told me... about gangsters? - it was hard for me to talk while running.

-Girl, how he looks like? 

-I'm not sure... there's few of them... but one has... white hair.

-GIRL! Don't tell me that you're running from Luke White! He's one of ten big mafia bosses in whole states! Girl, to be honest, if he remembered your face then you're done. Really done. 

-Thanks... call Jimmi and tell Tom what happened. 

-Ok, but why Jimmy... 

She didn't finish because I just lost my signal. I heard that they're getting closer, so I turned right to black alley, then left, where I hid behind a contener. I tried not to make any noise. I almost jumped when they runned right past me. 

I sighed in relief when they didn't notice me. I shouldn't have done that. 

-Here you are, my dear - Lukas said when he stopped not giving me place to run again. - I was mad at first, but then I realised how much Wolves love to chase after they pray, so thank you - he said lowering himself to look into my eyes. - Because you gave us some fun, I'll try to treat you as gently as I can. 

As he said that he gently grabbed my chin and lifted it a little with evil smile. Normally I would already screem in my pillow from excitement, but not now. He was mafia boss. They're way more brutal than enemy on a battlefield. They don't care about the law and what's human. What they want just have to be done.

If they want to torture me... 

I'm not sure why, but I felt that I'm losing consciousness. This fucker somehow drugged me.

[Hello my dear readers.
It's me again. Please leave comment. It really motivates me.
Have good night/day]

DangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora