How did this happend? (XI)

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-Hey! Calm down - Angel jumped to me taking glass away from me. - I know he might be overwhelmig, but you have to endure it for a few minutes and then he'll go, I promise!

-Nat, I can hear you! Don't act like I can't - scowled the diabolic man.

I looked at the man which I took for the Devil. I always thought that when I'll met him again I would be so scared that I won't be able to move. But now? The only thing I felt was growing anger and disgust for this person. I still think that he's horrifying man who just escaped from hell, but I was too furious to think about that.

-Master, I asked you so many times to call me by my full name, haven't I? - asked Angel hopeless.

-Does it matter now, Nat? I have something more important to do - he looked at me saying that - than thinking about such matteres as calling your full name.

Wait, Nat? I heard this name not to long ago but when was it exactely...?

Angel just sighed and walked away from my bed making better view on this fucker. 

He had his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a black suit, dark grey shirt and a scarlet tie. His hair was perfectly styled back so I had a full view of his unnaturally handome face. His beautifull eyes were starring at me which made a chill ran down my spine, but I didn't look away. I catched a glimpse of his grin for a second. 

Right, I had to look pathethic. My hair was tangled. No makeup. I had to recieve help just to sit up. I'm sure that I looked nothing more like a bug for him.

According to the rules I'm supposed to look down when he's around and Angel tried to show it to me, but I didn't want to break eye contact with our pretty, walking dick.

He waited for me to bow for a few seconds, but when he realised that I'm not gonna do that, he coughed.

-Miss, from what I've heard, one of my men who was assigned to train you, tortured you in your first day which could end up with your death... Is what I've heard right?

-Such small wounds can't kill me - Well to be honest they can and it's a miracle that I'm still alive. - But it's true that he tried to torture me.


-Well... To be honest he has a way too short temper to torture people. Calling him small dick was enough to make him try to kill me. So it wasn't torture. It was more like... he was taking his anger out on me.

"Master" bursted into laugh. He sounded like a like a careless child. My eyebrows narrowed and face my face expression changed from disgust I felt towards this man. I looked at Angel and saw that he froze in a total shock. His eyes were wide open, even his mouth opened a little.

-Okey, let's be serious for a moment - said master wiping a tear from corner of his eye. - Miss, I have to deeply apologize for what happened to you. But you still have to stay here for a five years, then you can either stay here for as long as you want or leave.

-Five years?! Are you fucking kidding with me? I was  k i d d n a p p e d! I'll tell you one better, HE kidnapped me after putting a knife in my chest.

The man laughed again

What the fuck is wrong with him? Is he on drugs or something?

-Nathaniel, I have to admit it, you recruited a funny one.

-Na-Nathaniel? - Right, I've heard this name from that night when everything happened. - Were you perhaps at a bar about 10:30 pm week ago?

I asked Nathaniel.

-Hm? Bar?... - asked Angel who just went through shock. - Yes, but why do you ask?

-That explains a lot... - I muttered.

I sat up and slowly got up from bed not listening to Nathaniel's protest. I begin to fell pain, but it didn't matter now. I walked to so called "Master" and looked him in the face.

-Thank you, for worrying about me - I've put my hand on his stomach, slided it a little and pressed on a place, where he had one of the worst bleeding wounds when I was helping him at the bar.

I felt how his muscles hardened. This kind of wound couldn't heal in a week. 

I smiled.

-You were right. You bought a new shirt. How are your wounds? Did Nathaniel take care of the bullets?

My smile widened even more as I saw changes on his face. He didn't change his expression, but he went pale and I could see sweat drops forming on his forehead.

-It-It's you! - said Nathaniel coming closer. - You saved Alexander...

-Nathaniel. - Master dick warned him. - Could you take your hand off me? If you want to touch me this much, you should've said so.

He gently touched my hand. I took it back as fast as if he burned me. I looked at my hand with disgust, but then I smiled even wider than before, but I forced to relax my face.

-My Master, looks like you need Nathaniel to look at it for you.

-What's wrong? Master, your wound... it opened again.

Can someone please explain me how the hell did this happened? What went so wrong that I'll work for a person who I hate that much?

I'm sorry for making You wait, but I just couldn't make myself to write.
Have a nice day/night]

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