all this wild joy 2/2

Start from the beginning

The grin is immediate this time. "You read my mind. That's exactly what I was thinking. And don't worry, what I'm planning on playing goes perfectly."

She exchanges a look with Travis, who chuckles shyly, stealing a kiss and I sigh a little, shaking my head.

"You two are hopeless. You do know that once someone spots that ring," I point, "you'll be lucky to finish the song above all the screaming. Then all hell will break loose."

"And I'll gladly let it," she shrugs, "fully, with both arms, wide open."

"Just wish we had everyone here, even though we celebrated with them a couple of months ago," Travis says wistfully, "but at least we have your mom and dad here, Tay...all the crew and everyone." His gaze zones in on me. "And you. You're such an important part of Taylor's life...of our life, now. I can't possibly thank you enough for everything you've done for us."

Travis, I've learned over the course of a year, never says anything he doesn't mean. He's one of the sincerest humans I've ever met and his words mean more to me than I can possibly say.

"I love you both," I return warmly. "I know I talk a tough game, but I absolutely mean it, from the bottom of my heart."

Another hug from them before I have to get everyone back on track. This time, they both squeeze me gently in a slightly awkward group hug, but at the same time, it's very sweet. Neither of them are people who hold back, not with ambition or their personalities and certainly not from letting the individuals in their lives know how much they love them.

I steal a look at my watch. "You have three minutes to get into hair and makeup, Tay. I'll take care of everything else. Including safe guarding that gorgeous ring."

She removes it and places the cool diamond into my palm, folding up my fingers around it.

"I can't wait for everyone to know," she bubbles, "it's been a bitch keeping them in the dark. I can't even tell you how many times I wanted to spill."

"I'm surprised Jason hasn't, actually," Travis adds with a smile. "He's definitely come close on the pod a few times. Thank God we've got a fantastic editing team."

"Well, I have the feeling everyone will be completely thrilled."

What I don't say is the end of show toast we usually have the last night can easily double as an engagement celebration with a phone call or two. She'll either want to kill me or still be on a post show high. Either way, I'm doing it.

"Are you keeping her company and then I'll bring you out?"

He opens his hand, stretching his fingers across Taylor's hip. "Sounds like a plan."

Right before I bring him to sit in the tent, I lightly touch his forearm. "I just want you to know, I'm really and truly happy for you. If it seemed like I wasn't earlier..."

Travis shakes his head. "Didn't think that for a second. I know you are. You were just worried...I get it. You love Taylor, you're always looking out for her. Makes perfect sense you'd wanna make sure the negativity doesn't effect her."

He regards me steadily, calmly. "Thing is, there's always gonna be shit talkers and people who think they know better. Always. Tay knows that and so do I. Hasn't stopped yet and we can't control it. But we can control how we respond to it and we're just not going to. Anybody who doesn't wish us well and sends us positive thoughts, we refuse to pay any attention to. Not worth it, Tree and certainly not gonna dull how happy we are."

One of the most emotionally intelligent men I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.

"All I need to see is how over the moon you both are. You don't have to worry about anything, alright," I promise firmly, "my job to worry."

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