"Why did you bring them?" I whispered, blushing slightly.

"I didn't, they followed me," Harry whispered breathlessly, "I do have to ask you something."

I tilted my head slightly.

"And what would that be?" I kissed him softly.

"Would you please be my boyfriend?" he put his forehead on mine.

I smiled widely.

"Of course. I'd love to," I pressed my lips onto his with a sudden passion.

I wrapped my arms around his neck & pulled his closer.

He chuckled & moved his mouth against mine.

We pulled back, desperate for breath.

Harry put his forehead on mine, smiling like a madman.

Harry stood up & held out his hand. I grabbed it & he helped me up.

He laced his fingers with mine & we walked toward the lads, shock clear on their faces.

"Yes?" I asked, they were all gawking at me.

"Oi! Quit staring at my boyfriend!" Harry teased, his smile wide.

They all slapped the back of my head.

"Ow," I pouted, "What was that for?"

"You scared the shit out of us! We really thought you were dead!" Niall exclaimed.

I chuckled & shrugged.

"Me too, but someone saved me," I smiled.

"Who saved you?" Harry asked me curiously.

I smirked & started home.

"Lou!" Harry called, starting after me.

I looked back at them & smirked.

They all followed me.


"I'm home!" I called throughout my flat.

"Daddy!" Darcy yelled & ran to the door, flinging herself in my arms.

"Hey baby! How was your day?" I asked the six year old.

"Great! Jenni let me watch Monster House!" she smiled.

"She did? You're not gonna have nightmares are you?" I asked her.

She shook her head.

"No!' she gasped, "I made you something! Let me down!"

I chuckled & let her down & she raced off toward the dining room.

Jenni walked in smiling.

"She's a cutie! She doesn't look like you though," she chuckled.

"Adopted," I mumbled & pulled out my wallet, "Thanks again."

"No problem! I'd be more than happy to watch her again," she winked.

I chuckled, "Thank you."

She smiled & walked out the door.

I turned to the four stunned lads, gaping at me.

"Welcome to my flat?" I meant to make it sound like a statement, but it came out more like a question.

"You have a daughter?" Harry asked, shock clear in his throat.

I scratched the back of neck awkwardly.

"Let me put Darcy to bed & then I'll explain everything," I smiled weakly.

They nodded & went into my living room.

I sighed, this could take awhile.


After I put Darcy down for bed, I walked into the living room where the four lads were watching me with pure curiosity.

I sighed & sat down on the couch next to Harry.

"After I jumped, I completely blacked out. Thinking I was dead, I was surprised when I woke up to the sunlight shining in my face. I got up & I heard a rustling on the bushes. I looked & I saw Darcy. Her parents had left her there a day or two before. I asked her if she saved me & she said yes... so I took her in & you know... I got a job at the local bakery & I found this flat pretty cheap. We've been here ever since," I smiled & looked up from my hands.

Harry took me in his arms.

"I thought you were dead Lou. I got so scared," he sobbed into my shoulder, "Why the hell didn't you contact me any sooner?"

"I-I got scared. I didn't know how any of you would react to meeting Darcy," I whispered into his ear.


Hey! Sorry for the long wait... I had to think of a good idea.. :P

That is actual BP Harry's twitter... so follow him! @Missing_Lou :D







Written by: @Styles_Tomlinson_123

Backstage Passes (Larry Stylinson- Hybrid) Under Editing.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang