Blitzwing (Transformers Animated)

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[Y/N] : Your Name

[A/M] = Alt Mode

: = Dialogue

(Blitzwing is gender neutral, so the name won't be changed.)

Now let the story begin.

In downtown Detroit, a pair of Decepticons known as [Y/N] and Blitzwing are searching for something as per the orders of their leader Megatron.

[Y/N] : Ugh, we've been looking for this AllSpark fragment for nearly a mega-cycle! Are you sure we're in the right place Blitzwing?

Blitzwing (Icy) : Yes, I'm positive zat ve are my dear [Y/N]. My scanners are picking up ze fragment's signal, so all ve can do is continue our search. After all, Megatron von't be happy if ve return empty handed.

[Y/N] : I suppose you're right, but we really should find it quickly before the Autobots are notified of our presence.

Blitzwing (Icy) : Ze Autobots von't be a problem. Megatron gave us orders to engage zem if necessary, vich means if zey show up....

She begins saying before her face shifts to a different personality.

Blitzwing (Hothead) : You and I can crush zem into scrap metal together! Yeeaaah!!!

Once again, her face alternates into another personality.

Blitzwing (Random) : Oooh, zat would be perfect for Megatron's space bridge! Just zink how colorful it vill be! Like an Autobot rainbow!

She laughs like a maniac as [Y/N] sighs and shakes his head in amusement before seeing a group of familiar vehicles speeding towards them.

[Y/N] : We've got company Blitz, ready to kick some Autobot skid plate?

Blitzwing (Hothead) : Do you even need to ask me zat? I am always ready!

She exclaims before transforming into her tank mode and fires at the approaching Autobots.

[Y/N] : Heh, now don't go hogging all the fun Blitz.

Changing into a [A/M], [Y/N] flies/speeds towards his enemies while shooting lasers at them.

[Y/N] : Take this Autobot scum!

Dodging his laser beams, the Autobots transform into their robot modes as their leader Optimus Prime swings his axe at [Y/N].

Optimus Prime : Whatever it is you both are up to, we're putting a stop to it!

[Y/N] : Gahh!

He yells out in pain as the axe gets lodged into the side of his alt mode.

Blitzwing (Hothead) : [Y/N]! You Autobots vill pay for hurting my beloved sparkmate!

She shifts into robot mode as her icy personality takes over and fires her ice missiles at the Autobots, freezing all of them solid except for Optimus.

Optimus Prime : Prowl! Bulkhead! Ratchet! Bumblebee!

Blitzwing (Icy) : Zat's vat you get for making me angry Autobot. Now it is your turn.

She aims her shoulder canons at Optimus, but hesitates to fire at him due to his proximity to [Y/N].

Blitzwing (Icy) : [Y/N] darling, please move out of ze vay so zat I may put zis Autobot on ice....permanently.

Entering robot mode, [Y/N] pulls the axe out of his body with a pained grunt before narrowing his optics at Optimus with sheer hatred.

[Y/N] : No. Allow me to take care of him myself Blitz.

Blitzwing (Random) : Oh how I love seeing him so vorked up and full of unbridled fury! Zit just makes my spark flutter!

She says while swooning over [Y/N] in a cartoonish fashion as he rushes at Optimus and slashes at him wildly with his own axe, which the Autobot dodges every time.

[Y/N] : Would. You. Stop. DODGING!

As a result of the damage caused by [Y/N]'s reckless attacks, the AllSpark fragment is finally revealed.

Blitzwing (Icy) : Ahh, Zere it is.Ve must get it to Megatron immediately.

[Y/N] : But what about the Autobots?!

Blitzwing (Icy) : Ze AllSpark fragment takes priority. Ve can finish zem off another time my love.

[Y/N] : ....Fine.

He kicks Optimus away before picking up the fragment and begins his retreat back to base alongside Blitzwing.

Optimus Prime : I won't let you two get away with that fragment!

He says after getting up and fires a grapple cable that latches onto [Y/N] while he's in his [A/M] form.

[Y/N] : L-let go of me Autobrat!

Despite firing at Optimus, he can't get the mighty Autobot off of him.

Blitzwing (Hothead) : Zat is it! I didn't get to freeze you earlier, so now you must face ze heat Optimus Prime!

She blasts him away with her regular missiles before shifting to her chaotic personality.

Blitzwing (Random) : Bye bye Optimus Prime! Enjoy having ze rest of your team being oversized popsicles!

Once again having a fit of psychotic laughter, Blitzwing enters her jet mode while flying away with [Y/N] following closely behind her.


Back at the Decepticon secret base, [Y/N] and Blitzwing return with the AllSpark fragment.

Megatron : [Y/N]. Blitzwing. I hope you have not failed me. Do you have the AllSpark fragment?

[Y/N] : Yes my liege, here it is.

He hands the small blue shard to his leader, who seems satisfied with this new acquisition.

Megatron : Well done. Did you have a run in with the Autobots by chance?

[Y/N] : We did, but they failed to stop us.

Blitzwing (Random) : Zat's right! I turned zem into Cybertronian snow cones! Ahahahaha!

Megatron : I see. All that matters is that you two were successful. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go check how my little passion project is going.

He walks away, leaving the two Decepticons alone.

[Y/N] : Thank Primus. I have a feeling he would've offline'd us if we returned without that fragment. I don't think I could've done this without you Blitz.

Blitzwing (Icy) : No thanks necessary my dear. Let's get zat axe wound taken care of now shall ve?

[Y/N] : Alright, I love you Blitzwing.

Blitzwing (Icy) : I love you too [Y/N].

Despite her multiple personalities, [Y/N] can't help but love the quirky Decepticon with his entire spark.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now