Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[U/T] = Ultimate Talent

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Non-killing game AU.

(For the genderbend name, Shuichi will be changed to Shihori.)

Now let the story begin.

While hanging out with his friends Kaito and Rantaro, the [U/T] and student of Hope's Peak Academy [Y/N] [L/N] notices from the corner of his eye that the Ultimate Detective Shihori Saihara is looking at him, causing him to wave at her as she quickly turns away.

Still shy as ever I see. Kaede told me that Shihori has feelings for me, I've just been waiting for her to act on them.

He thinks to himself with a smile, which his friends take notice of.

Kaito : Ok man, what gives? We know you have a crush on Shihori, so why don't you just confess?

Rantaro : Yeah, why do you insist on waiting this out?

[Y/N] : Because Kaede asked me too. She wants Shihori to be confident enough in herself to personally confess to me. I guess Shihori's gonna try doing so sometime today with a little encouragement from Kaede.

And I really hope she does.

Kaito : Heh, that sounds like something Kaede would do.

Rantaro : She's always trying to help others. Honestly she's just as much the Ultimate Friend as she is the Ultimate Pianist.

[Y/N] : True.

Meanwhile, Shihori is taking brief glances at the [U/T] as she sits at a nearby table with her best friend Kaede.

Why must this be so hard?! I want to tell [Y/N] how I feel so badly, but I can't work up the courage to do it!

She looks down with a sad expression as Kaede rubs her shoulder comfortingly.

Kaede : Shihori, this whole [Y/N] thing is really getting to you isn't it?

Shihori : I just wish I had the nerve to confess Kaede, but I don't.

Kaede : What is it you're most afraid of?

Shihori : Being rejected. I never had feelings for anyone before like I do for [Y/N]. If I found out he didn't like me the way I like him, the thought is just too much for me to bear.

She tells her friend while fiddling with her detective's cap.

I see now. So that's her biggest problem.

The Ultimate Pianist smiles as an idea forms in her head.

Kaede : Then you have nothing to worry about Shihori, because I just so happen to know that [Y/N] does have feelings for you.

Hearing this, Shihori looks at her with surprise.

Shihori : H-he does?

Kaede : Yep! In fact, [Y/N] has been patiently waiting for you to confess your love to him. Now that you know rejection isn't happening, are you gonna do it?

While I'm extremely happy to learn that [Y/N] likes me back, I still don't know if I can approach him.

Shihori : I....I'm not sure I can Kaede. How can I talk to [Y/N] if I turn into a blushing mess from just looking at him?

Kaede : You gotta believe in yourself Shihori. [Y/N] is a pretty popular guy, so if you don't act on your feelings soon, you could lose him to another girl. In fact, I'm fairly sure that Kirumi has a crush on him.

This revelation sparks something inside Shihori.

N-no! If I wait too long, I might never get the chance to be with him! Ok Shihori, time to muster up as much confidence as you can and finally confess to [Y/N]!

Shihori gains a determined look in her eyes as she takes in a deep breath and walks over to where [Y/N] is, not wanting to risk losing her crush to the Ultimate Maid.

As Shihori approaches his table, [Y/N] notices her and begins to smile.

Is this it? Is she actually gonna confess? Come on Shihori, I know you can do this!

Shihori : H-hey [Y/N], a-are you busy?

She asks him, feeling her nervousness returning in spades.

[Y/N] : Not at all! I always have time for you Shihori.

He tells her with a warm smile, making the Ultimate Detective blush profusely.

Shihori : T-thank you. Anyways I just wanted to say that...

Her words trail off as she begins twiddling with her fingers.

I can't do this! Maybe [Y/N] is better off with Kirumi than a girl who can barely talk to him.

She tries walking away feeling utterly defeated, only for [Y/N] to gently grab her arm while looking at her in worry.

[Y/N] : Hey, calm down Shihori. Take a deep breath and try to settle your nerves. You can tell me anything, just don't feel like you have to do so if you aren't ready.

The combination of [Y/N]'s words and the sincerity in his voice immediately gets her to relax.

Shihori : S-sorry about that [Y/N].

[Y/N] : It's alright Shihori. Now, wanna tell me what you were trying to a minute ago? Only if you're comfortable doing so of course.

Shihori : R-right. [Y/N], I have....f-feelings for you. Will my....b-boyfriend?

She asks him shyly, which he can't help but find incredibly adorable.

[Y/N] : I'd love to be your boyfriend Shihori. After all, I've liked you that way for a while now.

So, Kaede was right about that after all?

The Ultimate Detective thinks to herself before smiling and pulling [Y/N] into a hug.

Shihori : I love you [Y/N].

She mutters while snuggling her face into his shoulder.

[Y/N] : I love you too Shihori, my beautiful detective.

He kisses her on the cheek as Kaede watches the two with a wide smile on her face, happy that Shihori is finally with her crush.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now