I Like What You're Made Of (Donnie x Zivar)

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Part two to The Brian and the Jock.......

(Zivar's POV)

Donnie is really cool, like really cool, I want to hang out one on one with him but we keep getting stuck in group settings. "yo Zivar, pass to me!" Leo shouts, i do and pass the ball to Leo watching as he dunks a basket "that's game!" James calls, I walk over to the bench downing my water, "you did good today dude" Leo says patting me on the shoulder "you two are not allowed to be on a team together again" Miles says annoyed.

"awe, you a sore loser babe?" Leo says jabing his shoulder into his boyfriend, "sorry we killed it bro" I say highfiving Leo "ugh!" Mile sighs before drinking from is water bottle, "do you two want to come over for lunch? i'm sure Mikey has made enough for everyone" Leo offers, "sure, Zivar?" Miles asks I nod "sounds cool" I say and quickly text my folks that i'll be home by dinner before following Leo to his house.

"Back already? I was just enjoying the silence" Donnie's voice rings out, when he catches sight of me I swear I see a small smile "Zivar you're here too?" he asks "yep, is that ok?" I ask worried, "yeah that's fine" Donnie says looking away from me, "boom! sucker! oh Zivar hi!" I turn my head and see Rory "hey Rory" I say "I'm annihilating these suckers!" they shout, "i still think you're cheating" Raph states, "am not, sorry you're a sore loser!" they shout again holidng an L up with their hand.

"Sandwich stuff is ready!" Mikey call out, a line forms in the kitchen and i wait for everyone to get their food before grabbing my own, "you've met everyone right?" Miles asks, i nod "i think so, i probally don't remmber everyone's names thought" i say being honest, "ok well the brother, Donnie, Leo, Raph, and Mikey, Mikey's partners Rory and Jamie, Leo is my boyfriend obviously, and Alisa is Raph's Girlfriend. their is also April who's their adopted sister and her girlfriend Sunita but their not here right now" Miles says before taking a bite of his sandwich "i'm definelty not going to remmber that" I mumble before eating my own sandwich.

I sit at the table next to Donnie, we eat in silence and I don't hate it, Rory starts to yell every so often cause she beats someone in Mario Kart, I hear snipits of Mikey and Jamie's conversation as well as watch Miles and Leo flirt in the kitchen as they get more food, I look over at Donnie who looks, upset? "you ok?" I whisper he looks at me, but doesn't say anything, so I try to figure out through context clues, his hands are figiting, the room is loud, he had ear plugs in his ears, his leg is bouncing, "is it too loud?" I whisper to him he just nods.

"come on lets go outside" I say not touching him but leading in front, once outside I see him physically relax, "better?" I ask he nods. we sit on the porch in silence, I wait for them to speak first "thanks" he mumbles after a few minutes "no problem" I state back "how, how did you ok?" they ask "one of my sisters she's what people would call 'speical' she's autistic like you, but is more, I don't know what the right words are" I say looking at him "low masking, she's low masking" Donnie says leaning back in the chair "yeah, she's low masking, I have some episodes as well, i'm sensitive to certain things, but she acts the same as you did back there" I say looking down at the concret.

"well I appreciate it Zivar" he says in a monotone voice but i feel as though he actaully means it "anytime" i say with a small smile. after a few more minutes outside we head back in to find everyone had dispersed to their own thing, "guess i should go find Leo and Miles" i state starting to walk away "or you can hang out with me" Donnie says.

I turn around "really?" i ask he nods "i don't want to intrude on your space" i say giving him time to back out "no, no you wont be intruding, come on, please?" they ask and i think thats the first time i've heard him say please "umm sure?" i say and follow him to what i assume is his lab "this place is cool" i comment "its sound proff, lights are alaways dim, and i have figits everywhere so its a sensory safe space for me" he rants off.

i look around the room, purple lights line the walls, equitment everywhere, and he was right i don't feel super over stimulated in here "cool" i say and move to sit on the chair next to his "is this why you came into the tech shop?" i ask, he just nods and starts tinkering with something "whatca working on?" i ask "something for you actaully" he says.

i watch in silence before he hands over the long metal stick? "what is it?" i ask "its a arm device to help you with your throws, its calculated with the right angels and a bunch of science stuff you probally could careless about hearing" he says "i want to hear it" i say eagerly he looks at me their brown eyes becoming wide "what?" i ask confused "you want to hear me talk about the science behind it?" he asks i nod "i probally wont understand it, but if you want to tell me i'll listen" i say honestly.

i see him hold back a smile "well the wires i weved into the metal concet to a cartridge of sorts that i coded into..." i listen to him rant about how it all works, i understood none of it, but i'm happy he's happy, "and that way you'll be able to make three point shots without a problem but you will still have to work at it, its not a cheat code thing and- what are you staring at?" he asks looking around.

"you" i say he looks at me confused "i'm nothing intresting, just talking" Donnie states "well i just like what you're made of i guess" i say, not sure what that means personally but it just sounds right, he seems to get even more confused "oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus?" he asks I chuckle "something like that" I say and I think I just made him even more confused.

Night fell and I had to rush home barley in time for dinner, "how was practice this week son?" dad asks, "fine, still benched" I lie, i'm not out to my parents and if i'm benched they wont come to games, "you really need to work on that otherwise there going to kick you off the team" he states, they aready have, I wanted to say but just agreed with him until my mom approached the table Esther in hand and seats her down "just sit with us" my mom pleds with the eight year-old who pouts and pushes her plate away.

"lets say grace" my dad says I hold his hand and my sister Rachel's hand as well "God we thank you for blessing us with this food, we thank you for blessing the hands that made it and I pray my children can find where they will best sever you, amen" my dad says, we drop our hands and eat our dinner "who's house were you at for lunch dear?" my mom asks "just a friend from school" I say "does this friend have a name?" my dad cuts in "Donnie" I state, "you've never mentioned this Donnie before" my dad says.

"that's because we just recently became friends, his brother is on my basketball team" I say trying to get off the subject "you should really bring your friends over more often" my mom says "maybe one day mom" I say as I finish up my food, Esther runs off and my mom goes to chase her before giving up and handing her the tablet.

"may I be excuse? i have homework i need to get done before monday" i lie again, "alright, do your devotion while your at it, i havent seen that bookmark move in awhile" my dad comments, i nod "yes sir" i say heading up to my room, i sigh as i lay back on my bed pulling my phone out of my pocket seeing a notification.

(???) i hacked your phone and put my phone number in it, hope thats ok - Donnie btw

I smile and hug my phone "whats with that stupid grin?" a voice comes from my door, i turn my head and see Rachel "can't i smile with out a reason?" i ask "yes but you smiled after you read something on your phone, so i'm assuming its something or someone?" she says i sigh "maybe" i state she walks in and shuts the door "is it that boy you mentioned at the table?" she says with that gossip look on her face, shrug "maybe" i say again.

"it so is!" she says getting louder "shush!" i say "sorry, i'm happy for you, is he nice?" she asks i think about it for a moment "he's honest, straight to the point and its just so diffrent, a good diffrent but still diffrent, ya know?" i say she shrugs "i'm just going to say yes so you quit swooning, "just make sure you hide it from the next phone sweep" Rachel states, "i am going to be soo happy to not deal with that anymore in the next few years" i state.

(Meanwhile at the Hamato house)

"That was flirting!" i shout at my brothers who all three nod "eithe he sucks at flirting or i really didn't pick that up" i say to my brothers "probally both" Leo states.............

Words: 1679 05.09.2024

I'm having way to much fun with these two........byeeeeee............

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