Break ups (Anne and Marcy)

125 5 4

(Anne's POV) (17)

I walk into Marcy's apartment, she moved in since her parent left, me and her are strictly friends since Marcy started dating Sasha, me and Sasha havent talked about what happend in amphibia in years, were slowly driffing apart and i dont think theres a way to mend us and Marcy understands that, but she isnt going to choose between me or Sasha so she just hangs out with us sepreatly, "Marcy I'm here!!!" i yell entering the apartment, its the same as her

locker at school a mess, games on the floor, nintendo on the couch, coffee mugs sitting all around and Yoshi, Marcys cat, she got Yoshi after the events in amphiba its her therepy pet. "good afternoon to you too Yoshi" i say as the fuffy white cat walks around my legs. "Marcy i have food" i say as i walk towards her bed room, i see her wrapped in blankets watching Endgame again. "you ok?" i ask she frowns and focuses on her computer, i sigh and sit next to her

"what happend Mar-Mar?" i ask she sighs "S-Sashy b-brok u-up w-w-with m-me" she says sobing slightly, i frown and wrap my arms around the blanket catapiller, "is that why your in your sad cacoon?" i say she nods "is there anything else that would cause you to feel this way?" i ask, interally i wanted to punch Sasha for breaking the poor baby's heart but i need to act calm around Marcy just until i left. "w-well i-i a-als-so m-miss my m-mom a-nd d-d-dad"

she says i place her in my lap and remove the blanket from her head, "well sulking about it isnt going to help, how about we play video games and eat the Thai food i brought?" i say, she gives me a small smile and nods. i turn off endgame and take her to the living room, i place her on the couch, "you pick the game k?" i say and walk off the the kitchen, i grab plates and place our food on them, i take it over and i see she picked mario cart, I pick up a controler

and start to play. a few hours go by and the sun has gone completly down, Yoshi is asleep on marcys lap and i can see Marcy start to fall asleep. I turn off the game and turn to her "bed time?" i ask she nods, we walk to her bedroom her cat in her arms, she gets all comfy in her bed and sunggles her cat, "yu feel better now?" i ask she nods "night, anna-banana" she says i smile "night mar-mar" i say and kiss her forehead, she smiles and falls asleep, i leave her

room shuting the door leaving a crack for her cat to escape through if needed, I clean the living room and grab my bag, i take the spare key Marcy gave me and i lock the door. now to pay a little visit to Sasha. I hop in my car and grab the a baseball bat i have from a few years ago. "perfect" i part a few blocks away from Sashas house and walk up to the house, i peak in the living room window and see her making out with some other woman, oh you fucked up i

think before smashing the shit out of her motercycle, she runs out after all the camotions her side peice still inside "what the hell, Anne!!!" she yells at me, i smile "next time dont cheat on my best friend asshole, oh and one mre thing Fuck you" i say and hold up my middle finger before disappering into the dark. I walk into my house and see my mom and dad sitting on the couch "where have you been?" my mom asks i smile "Marcy wanted to hang out longer

than usual, I'm going to head to bed night" i say and head up stairs my bat still in my hand, i slide the bat under my bed and clime into bed I might not have a chance with Marcy but she is my best friend and i can deal with that........

words 721 2/21/2022

shorter than others I've made but still a good one......ok byeeee........  

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