Meteora x Mariposa

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in my head their dinamic is one is complete oblivouse and hasnt fallin in love yet (Meteora) but the other has a hardcore crush on them (Mariposa)

(Mariposa's POV)

"are you sure this is safe?" i ask my best friend, we are curently climing on to the roof of the school "Posey stop worrying, your almost as bad as your bother" Meteora says, "i am not!!" i say feeling offended. "yeah you are, come on" she says and grabs my hand pulling me futher up the roof. "see nothing to be scared of" she says i look around and see classmates leaving school, i see cars driving by, i look up and see white and gray clouds hovering above us,

then i look beside me and my best friend, shes soo pretty, with her clover marks and eyes sparking because of the sun. I snap out of my trance and realise i was starring, "my parents are out of town for the weekendm, Marco is having a sleepover and inviting star along with Tom and Janna, i was wondering if you might want to come?" i say Meteora nods "of course!!!" she says and hugs me, i blush slightly, she pushes away and smiles "when is it?" she ask "Oh

friday" i say she nods, "Miss Diaz, and Miss Butterfly get down here right now!!!" the head teacher yells, we both clime down and are sent to class. friday came around sooner than exspeted, i hugged my mom and dad goodbye and started to help my brother with snacks, "did you invite meteora?" Marco asks i nod "yeah i did" i say he smiles "you going to tell her?" Marco asks i blush, Marco is the only person I've told that I'm a lesbian, but that also came with

telling him who my crush is which happens to be my best friend, "I still find it werid, mostly because of the old meteora that ran that stupid princess school but I'm still happy for you" he says, i laugh i still dont believe the story he told but everyone swears it true. the bell rings distracting us "i'll get it" i say and walk to the door seeing star, "Hey mini marco" she says i roll my eyes, ever since i was little star alaways calls me mini marco, "hi star, your

boyfriend is in the kitchen making nachos" i say she blushes and rushes to the kitchen, i grab some blankets from the closet and i place them on the couch before heading back into the kitchen, i see Star and Marco making out, "I'm right here" i say they pull away blushing, "hopless romantics" i mummble before going back to making food, a few minutes later Star opens the door for Janna and Tom. i sit patiently waiting for Meteora when the bell finally

rings, i open the door and see Meteora with a pillow and bag in hand. I smile and take her stuff up to my room, when i come back downstairs i see Meteora stand away from the others, i sigh and take her hand she looks at me and smiles, i drag her over to the couch, she places her legs on top of mine comfortlbely, i lay back and listen to everyone's converstaion. "...look all I'm saying is we should conciter it, i mean all six of us going to the beach for the

rest of the weekend" Janna says, Marco scoffs "first off my parents would kill me, second no way is my sister and her cr-friend coming with us" i heard is slip up and glare at him. he puts an invistable zip on his mouth, i squint and relax again. "your parents wont mind, plus your sister and her best friend are cool" Janna says i smile "thanks Janna, see even your friends like me better" i say he rolls his eyes and leans against the couch, "put i still have star, right

baby?" he say looking up at star who was also sitting on the couch, she looked down "yes marco" she says and kisses his forehead, I scoff and pull meteoras legs off me much to her dislike, "you all want food?" i say everyone nodded, "meteora could you help me" i say she smiles and nods follows me to the kitchen, i reach up and grab a bowl for popcorn acidently dropping all the other bowls, "Crap" i say and bend down to pick them up when my hand

reaches for a bowl and covers meteoras hand, i look and blush she just smiles "i got this you get food" she says, i nod and stand up triping over a clear bowl  landing on the ground, when i opened my eyes, meteora was starring at me "you ok posey?" she asks, I'm pretty sure my face is red at this point, "ye-yeah g-good" i say she nods and goes back to cleaning up the bowls. I smack my forehead and grab the popcorn back, when i turn around, Meteora is

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