Scars (Leo x Miles)

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discalmer: (I'm Genderqueer) I've never had any major surgeries nor do i plan to. please fact check me if i get something wrong call me out on it because i want to be corrected in aproching this but i feel like this is a valid topic that should be descused when it comes to being Trans. My soruces are looking it up online and tiktok so facts could easily be incorrect so PLEASE CORRECT ME!

(Leo's POV)

Me and Miles have been taking things slow and by slow i mean we're cuddling on the couch at the moment talking about our future plans, "i really want to presue art but everyone keeps telling me thats a stupid idea and maybe it is, but i dont know, i really just want to do what i love for a living ya know?" Miles rants.

I hum in agreement as i run my fingers through my boyfriend's hair as well as braiding little peices of hair, "...not to mention i'll have to pay for college all on my own since my parents are being pricks, just ugh!" he says laying back on me, "i just want to stay right here forever" Miles states turning around messing up a braid i was putting in his hair.

His face pouts before he snuggles his head into the fabric of my hoodie, i smile and kiss the top of his head "i would love that to sweetheart but we can't just stay on this couch forever, though that is the dream" i say relaxing into the couch, for a small guy this man has soo much anexity and stress pent up.

i run my fingers through his hair petting him like a cat, i feel him smile as he tightens his grip around me, after awhile we head into my room and lay on the bed when Miles asks a random question "did it hurt?" Miles asks confusing me "did what hurt?" i ask He runs their fingers over the chest area of my sweatshirt.

"Oh, top surgrey?" i ask he nods a little embaressed "don't be embarresed, i'm happy to answer" i say Miles looks at me and listens "well after i told Splinter i was having not the most, whats the word, ok thoughts? i wasnt happy at all and a lot of it had to do with my overall body structure, being flater chested helped but i still felt to femmin, i guess?, well after a lot of paper work and when i say a lot it makes the stack of papers in Mrs. Tomson's office look like nothing, i had to wait a few years and it was very hard to convince people, doctors and nurses, that i needed the surgery before i was of age, Splinter was very calm and understanding on the nights that the doctors would push it back, he and my brothers comforted me while i cried, it wasnt fun the emotional stress specfically" i takes a deep breath.

Miles holds my hand i squeeze it he squeezes back, "after several push backs and a lot of money and a lot of court visits, i finally got the green light before my 15th birthday, a week before to be exact, Spliter made sure i knew that we wouldnt be able to do anything for my birthday and i believe i said to him 'i dont care just call this my early birthday gift' i was soo hyped up on excitment that i forgot completly that i share a birthday" i say feeling gulitly.

"Donnie?" Miles asks i nod, "he wasnt thrilled we wouldnt be able to do anything but again he's donnie so he just took it as an exscue to not have to see people other than his family, any way the day comes and im nervouse, excided, happy, tired, because i had to get up at the crack of dawn, the surgury went fine, i mean i was out most of the time so no pain there, its more the first few days after, it was really uncomfortble if anything, i had to sleep on my back which is fine if someone else is their but alone? i prefer my side but no i had to sleep on my back, i even moved to the couch so i couldnt move while i slept" i state

"Mine and Donnie's birthday was fine, we stayed home our dad bought a cake we watched movies and april and her girlfriend came over to watch with us, after a month i was fully back to myself" i sigh with a smile "the first day i saw myself in the mirror and relized it wasnt a dream or some illusion i cried, i was so happy, i still am" i say looking at Miles who was sitting up now, beside me.

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