Human (Tiki x Plag)

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Context: Tiki and Plag are humans and have been humans their whole life, when they both turned 15 along with other kids from their class they all gained super powers, one day Nuru and Dusu disapered and havent been seen since, until now.....

Even if you dont read the chapter please read the end its very important.....

(Tiki's POV)

The year is 1984, My birthday is next week and i'll be 16, i can finally ask plag peters my best friend out, my father made a supid rule when i was younger that i couldnt date till I was 16 but that day is fast approching. I've had a crush on plag for years and Trix tells me he has a crush on me too, but i cant be sure till i ask. i slip on a red shirt with black spots, and a pair of jeans, i tie my hair back in a ponytail and grab my backpack, "Bye dad" i yell leaving the

house, i walk down the street till i arrive at Plag's house, his mom opens the door with a smile "Tiki, hello dear, Plag is up in his room probally still asleep" she says i laugh and nod heading upstairs i knock on his door but no answer, i turn the knob and see a sleeping plag spread out on the bed, i roll my eyes this boy "Get up self proclamed bad boy" i say shaking him, he groans and looks at me "fuck off tiki" he says sleepily i roll my eyes "i thought you'd be

happy about the last day of school?" i question, that woke him up imidently, "summer!!!" he yells i laugh "not yet silly we still go to get through one more day now get dressed and grab your stuff" i say and head downstairs. "i swear if that boy didnt have you i dont think he would leave his bed" Mrs Peters says i smile, she hands me a plate of pancakes and eggs, "thank you" i say she smiles "no problem dear" she says suddenly i hear a loud thud sound from

behind me i turn around and see plag has landed straight on his face i scoff "and that why i told you multipy times stop jumping off the stairs" i say he looks up at me a squits "Your not my mother" he says, "but i am, stop jumping off the stairs" Mrs Peters says the book looks down "sorry mama" he says, i laugh and take a bite of food. after breakfast we head to school, "come on tiki" Plag says skating past me "one day your going to regret buying that thing" i

say he scoff "unlikely" he says, we make it to school and i see Trix, Pollen, and Roarr standing outside, i wave by to plag and head off to the girls. "hey girls" i say they look over and smile "sup Tiki" Trix says, Trix is tall with ginger hair alaways in a bun she was givin the nickname fox, because she was cunning and protective of herself. shes been my best friend for years since we were five. Roarr how ever isnt her real name her name is Rosella but we

call her Roarr it suits her better mostly because shes loud and proud of who she is she wont hide her feelings, and last but not least Pollen she a straight A's student, she use to be a big drama queen of the school a year ago but shes turnned over a new leaf and now hangs out with us. we head to our first class of the day if you can call it that its just home room for an hour, Prof. Wayzz is our home room teacher, hes very orderly but wise none the less. "sudents

welcome to the last day of school young minds, ready for your last day of learning before the mindless summer?" he asks Wayzz gains a few groans and a few yay's but most of the kids were silence inculding myself. "good morning students of miraculose high, its the last day of school and we have a list of news" the Tv screen says, "I'm Fluff and here is my co-star Long, were here to bring some important reports, first off its the last day of school, there will be

a party hosted tonight by Daizzi, it will be in the gym please come and grove with us tonight now on to gossipe, long?" Fluff says, all eyes shift towards Long the boy groans "we have an annoymous messege that was sent us to show today, take a look" the screen gliches out before turnning to a screen of a girl in my grade kissing another girl from a grade below, everyoe in the room gasped i look at roarr who looked like she was going to murder who ever did

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