Let Me Tell You A Story

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Xalnir is seen inside the tavern with a bandage on his wounded chest and shirtless as he has his arm on his forehead. His bare chest reveals smooth bluish green scales and a toned chest.

Xalnir: Ugh, I can't believe I messed my dodge up. Hmmh.

Madesi is seen walking into Xalnir's room and is seen with a plate in his hand.

Madesi: Hello, Xalnir. How is your wound fairing?

Xaknir: It could be better but it's getting there Madesi. What brings you here?

Madesi places a plate down on the end table next to Xalnir's bed.

Madesi: Well, I came to check on you and bring some Marshmerrow Delights. It is my favorite sweet from Argonia.

Xalnir: You brought them from Argonia?

Madesi: Hehe, no, I just brought a recipe back before I settled here.

Xalnir: Well, that seems nice, can I try one?

Madesi: Of course. Here. They are very good.

Madesi hands a Marshmerrow delight to Xalnir which is like a greenish marshmallow with powdered sugar and a few small pieces of a fantasy like plant. Xalnir grabs it and eats it and smiles as he takes in the flavor.

Xalnir: Mmm, that's good.

Madesi: I know right? It is so fluffy and sweet, and the powdered sugar and honeyleaf add to the flavor. It was one of my hist-father's favorite sweets.

Xalnir: Speaking of, what was your life like in Black Marsh before you came to Skyrim? I'm curious.

Madesi sighs

Madesi: It was good, but, it was also a struggle for my hist-parents. Are you sure you want to hear the whole story?

Xalnir perks up with curiousness.

Xalnir: Of course. You are like a brother to me Madesi, I would love to hear your story.

Madesi: Thank you Xalnir, but let's start from the beginning. I was born into a tribal family just like usual. However, my tribe was more on the warrior side of things. My mom and dad were not royalty but they were highly respected in my tribe. However, one day we were told that our family would become a part of an elite force created to protect our tribe from the dangers of the hist and or even other tribes that we did not have a fair liking to. I was 13 cycles old when that happened, so I was automatically brought to train. Me and my fellow hist-brothers were given a choice on what weapons we wanted to study and become skillful with. While most of my fellow hist brothers chose the sword I opted for the dagger. Many of my hist brothers viewed my choice as flawed and weak but my teacher Qualviv saw the immense strength in my choice. While the dagger is a small blade it has a naturally higher skill ceiling compared to a sword, I had not known that at the time as I simply chose the dagger because I had thought it looked cool hehe. But anyways, my training began and I learned fairly quickly, I learned all types of stances, grips, and attacks. Before I knew it, I had become a deadly dancer with the dagger.

Xalnir: Ahh, so that is why you use a dagger. Makes sense.

Madesi: It is, I studied the dagger extensively until I knew absolutely everything there was to know about it. It was an amazing feat, but one that was for naught considering I had yet to come up with a hands on experience with the dagger. That all changed when an enemy tribe decided to attack us after misinformation had spread about us kidnapping and torturing one of their tribe members. They attacked us at night when most were asleep. I however, was not. I was reading a book about jewelry when I suddenly heard commotion outside my hut. Me being a 15 cycle old kid, I was bound to be curious. As soon as I opened the door, I was immediately attacked. It was a good thing I had my book with me as I blocked the attack and the enemy Argonians blade had stabbed through my book but did not reach me. I quickly disarmed my attacker and did an unsheathing attack and eliminated the first attacker. I noticed some of my hist brothers in skirmishes with the enemy tribe and I quickly jumped in. I saved a good amount of my hist-brothers, but I lost the 2 I was closest with. Me losing my 2 closest friends made me realize that I had not wanted to be a warrior as violence is nothing but an excuse to solve problems quickly instead of rightfully and morally. I vowed the day I set my friends to rest that I would not kill again. Which led me to my jewelry book, which led me right here to Skyrim. Which now leads me right here in your room.

Xaknir: I'm sorry for your losses, Madesi, I know it must have been tough.

Madesi: It was, but we Argonians always pull through. It is how the hist created us after all. Hehe. But, that is my story summed up. Hopefully, that answered your question about me.

Xalnir: It definitely did. I thank you for sharing that with me Madesi, I would say it has made us closer. Wouldn't you?

Madesi: Yes, I guess it would.

Xalnir: I am still curious. Whatever happened to your parents?

Madesi: I am not sure about my hist-mother, but my hist-father died 3 cycles ago as I got a letter of inheritance from my old tribe. I am guessing he must have stayed there his whole life, he did have a gargantuan amount of love for our tribe but so do most tribe kin. I am sure my mother is fine still. She is not too old now but she is getting there. I would like to visit her one more time, however.

Xalnir: Maybe once I'm finished with my teachings from Mjoll, I can take you with me to Black Marsh and maybe we can visit your tribe. That sounds nice doesn't it?

Madesi: That does. I appreciate your offer Xalnir, I will have to think about it however. On that note though, I must return to my stand. Please do get well soon Xalnir. I hate seeing you injured.

Xalnir: I will, thank you for visiting me Madesi, I wish you the best today.

Madesi: As do I marsh-friend.

Madesi walks off and out of Xalnir's room after grabbing a Marshmerrow delight. Xalnir is seen looking at the Marshmerrow Delights Madesi left for him and smiles before turning back to his bed and resting.

The Black Marsh Hero (Elder Scrolls)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz