Find Yourself

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13 years have passed and Xalnir is seen at the tavern helping Talen and Keerava around the Tavern, his bluish green tone has become more visible and potent, his scales have become more scaly and have hardened more, leaving a rough but still smooth look all over his body. Xalnir is seen in barkeep clothes and has a notepad in his hand as he writes down the order of 2 patrons, a Nord woman and a Breton man.

Xalnir: Hello. How can I serve you today? Are there any drinks to start off?

The Breton man speaks, his voice is even toned and resembles a celtic accent.

Breton: I think I will have the White-Gold Tower.

The Nord woman suddenly speaks to the Breton in a Norse accent.

Nord: Aerin, are you sure you want that drink? I don't want you getting drunk.

Aerin: Uh. Yeah, I guess you're right, Mjoll. I'll just take a regular wine, please.

Mjoll: Thank you, Aerin.

Xalnir: Hehe. That drink is for the strong ones. What about you milady? Can I serve you for a drink?

Mjoll: Hmm, I'd like to try the Velvet Lechance. Is that strong?

Xalnir: It is mainly a sweet drink. The only alcohol in it is the spiced wine.

Mjoll: Spiced wine? Like the wine in Solitude?

Xalnir: Yes, it includes blackberry, honey, and a touch of nightshade. I know that may seem scary, but it is perfectly safe, I assure you.

Mjoll: I'll take a cup of that then.

Xalnir: Great, I'll have those right out for you both.

Xalnir begins to walk off, but Mjoll beckons him.

Mjoll: Wait! Server!

Aerin: What is it, Mjoll?

Xalnir perks up and quickly comes back to the table Mjoll and Aerin sit at.

Xalnir: Yes, milady? Do you need anything?

Mjoll: I'm simply curious. What is your name? I've been in riften a long time, but I have not seen you at this tavern.

Xalnir: Oh. My name is Xalnir. I am Talen's and Keerava's son.

Mjoll: What?! Wow, I didn't know they had a kid. You seem like a bright spirit.

Xalnir: Thank you, Milady. They had me shortly after they were married.

Mjoll: Really? Do you Argonians usually have kids shortly after you marry?

Xalnir: Yes, but it is still up to personal preference. If you were to travel to Black Marsh, many of the couples who were not married would usually not have spawns, but married ones would most likely.

Mjoll: Hmm, how interesting. I haven't been to Black Marsh in a while. When I did go there, I only had met with one settlement. They were extremely peaceful even though they looked incredibly tribal.

Xalnir: Haha. Yes, we Argonians are very tribal but we are still civilized people.

Mjoll: I take it you are very cultural too, the argonians I had met during my time there were very protective of the trees there. I didn't understand it, but those trees did feel magical in a way.

Xalnir: Ahh, yes. We argonians are very connected to the hist trees. We believe they make us who we are.

Mjoll: Wow, that's very interesting. I wish I knew more before, but Talen or Keerava have not said anything about their homeland. But Madesi talks all about it. I figured all argonians loved their homeland.

Xalnir: Well, my hist father and mother had a rough time in Black Marsh. I am sure you would know why, considering how harsh Black Marsh is. Madesi is one of the few Argonians in skyrim to still be cultural and embrace tradition. He has taught me everything I know about Black Marsh, and I am glad to have him as a mentor.

Mjoll: Huh, you don't seem like the bar type like your mother and father. Have you considered exploring and becoming an adventurer like myself?

Xalnir's smile turns to a small frown as he realizes he has not left riften in 18 years.

Xalnir: Sadly no. I wholeheartedly wish to visit my homeland, but my hist father and mother do not want me to explore.

Mjoll: Oh my. I'm sorry I brought it up. But why? If I had a son, I'd want him to see the world.

Xalnir: As would I. But, my parents have seen what it is like first hand so I can understand their worriedness. The last thing I would want if I had a spawn was see them get hurt or die. However, I would not want to hold him in one spot for his whole life.

Mjoll: I agree, even though the world is a cold and hard place. It has so much to offer, especially beauty. I can't believe I had once thought to never adventure again.

Xalnir: Really? You do not give off that type of mindset to me.

Mjoll: Well, you had better believe it. After I had lost my blade in a Dwarven ruin, I really wanted to hang my hat for the rest of my days and find a place to retire. I found Riften. However, once I was given my blade back, I was disappointed at myself for thinking I was ready to cut the life of adventuring out. I couldn't believe myself. A Nord woman is nothing without her blade, if you ask me.

Aerin: Oh, Mjoll, why don't you tell him about your sword? It's what really made you adventure successfully.

Xalnir: Yes, please. I would love to see your blade.

Mjoll unsheathes a glass sword and makes room for it on the table.

Mjoll: This is Grimsever. This blade has stayed with me since I was just a girl. I've grown up with it, and so has it.

Xalnir inspects the sword in amazement.

Xalnir: Wow. Incredible! The design is beautiful. This must be an amazing blade.

Mjoll: It is, but sadly, I lost it a couple of years back. I was never able to retrieve it, but a fellow warrior had helped me and retrieved it for me. I can not thank him enough.

Xalnir: Really? That was nice of him. What was he like?

Mjoll: He was a nord like me. He never told me his name, but I wish I knew it. He still comes around sometimes, and I adventure with him. He's a great fighter, and he knows the way of the voice.

Xalnir: He can shout?

Mjoll: Yes, and he does it a lot, hehe. But I don't mind it. As long as the bad guys get slayed, I'm fine with it.

Xalnir: Well, thank you for showing me your blade. I really must get back to work. I will be happy to hear from you more, uh Mjoll. I would love to hear more of your adventuring stories.

Mjoll: Don't mention it. Maybe I can show you some skills with the blade so that once you do go off in your own adventures, you will be able to defend yourself.

Xalnir: Thank you, Mjoll. I appreciate your offer. I will see you soon.

Mjoll: Mhmm.

Aerin: Be safe out there.

Xalnir nods before heading out of the tavern. As he heads out, he looks back at Mjoll and Aerin talking and reflects on his conversation with them. He remembers what she said about training him and smiles as he closes the door behind him.

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