Chapter 29

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"You are both so unhappy, yet you stayed in this marriage without respect or love. Watching you two for the past few years has been depressing. I am fine with the news of the divorce, but I can't fathom the fact that you have other people in your life. I need a break from the house and both of you. I am going to Grandpa's house and will resume school next week. Please send my clothes over," Pakhi says.

"I also need a break from this," Paritosh says. Both of them excused themselves. "Have you lost your marbles? You shouldn't have said all those things to them," Anuj says. "You have made me into an adulteress in front of the world. It's only befitting that I will tell the kids about your emotional cheating," Anika says. "You are like your father, deranged," Malvika says.

"Tell your lover to be careful. My dad knows she's your weakness," Anika says. She laughed and walked out.


Anupama was looking at the news circle again regarding Anuj's divorce. She tried to read up on it to figure out how long it would take for the divorce to take place. "He is getting divorced. He will be single soon," She says. "You accused him of a lot of things," She thinks. She received a message from Malvika that the children were going to their grandparent's house.

She grabbed her things and left the office. She wanted to see Anuj, so she drove herself to the school. He was in a meeting when she got there, so she waited for him. "Have you had lunch? Let's go," Anupama says. "I don't want to talk to you," Anuj says. "Well, I do," Anupama says. "I will follow in my car," Anuj says. Both of them left the school and went to a restaurant.

"I am sorry for assuming things and thinking you leaked the information," Anupama says. "What a great way to show your love for me," Anuj says. "Can you stop exaggerating?" Anupama asks. "I am exaggerating," Anuj says. The waiter comes and takes their order. "I didn't expect you to get a divorce so soon," Anupama says. "Neither did I, but it was the best move strategically," Anuj says.

Anupama rolls her eyes. "Can't you do something without thinking about your revenge for once?" Anupama asks. "Did you think I divorced so I could be with you?" Anuj scoffs. "Excuse me, I didn't think that, and I don't care that you are getting divorced," She says, flipping her hair. "Are you sure? I will be single soon, and I thought you wanted to marry me," Anuj said.

"I was thinking about getting a prenup ready. I don't know. We have some problems to solve," Anupama says. "What is that?" Anuj asks. "My son knows that I love you," Anupama says. Anuj smiles, blushing at the fact that she says she loves him. "My kids know, too. Anika told them that you will be my next wife," Anuj says. "Really. You haven't even proposed," Anupama says, blushing. She then realised the impact of what he was saying.

"They must hate me," Anupama says. "I think my son does, but I can't read Pakhi. How did Samar react to learning that you are in love with me?" Anuj asks. "I think he took it well," Anupama says. "Okay, I will handle my kids," Anuj says. Their food comes, and they begin to eat. Anuj was thinking about telling her, but he felt that public speaking was not a good place to do it. Even though he was getting a divorce, he was still married.

"What's your plan after the divorce is finalised?" Anupama asks. "I am going to release all the information I have against Viraj," Anuj says. "Do you have information to incriminate him in the court of law?" Anupama asks. "I do, but my lawyer friend says it's not enough for him to be imprisoned. That's not my goal," Anuj says. "What is?" Anupama asks.

"I want him to be ridiculed in front of the media, and I want the stocks of the company he betrayed my father for to fall incredibly. I want him to go bankrupt," Anuj says. "Are you going to ask for spousal support or a huge sum of money?" Anupama asks. "I am going to ask for everything that is in my right to ask for," Anuj says.

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