Chapter 22

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Two weeks later,
Saturday 9th December, 2023

"I see that man over there has caught your eye," A woman says, walking up to Anupama. "Voh him. I am not looking at him," Anupama says, taking her eyes off Anuj. She had returned from her trip, and now the pooja before the wedding was occurring. She had excused herself from every plan and just arrived a few minutes ago.

Anupama saw Anuj at the corner making last-minute arrangements. He had a new haircut and looked handsome as always. "I saw your eyes. Is he a crush/ex or in-between?" the woman asks. "I-I don't even know your name," Anupama says. "The more reason why you can confide in me. I can't judge. Anyways, I am Anika Desai," Anika says, stretching her hand to Anupama.

"I am Anupama Joshi," She replies. "I know who you are," Anika says. "I love him...I think I do have feelings," Anupama says. "You should confess them," Anika says. "Are you crazy? He is a married man, and I am not a homebreaker. Besides, I am a little sister to him. I am about to be his cousin by law," Anupama says.

"Hmm, I understand," Anika says, then she excuses herself. "So my husband has an admirer. What do I do with this information?" Anika chuckles. She goes to meet Jaya, who is still in her bedroom, getting prepared. "You look so good," Anika says. "How is your dad doing? I heard that some disturbing news came out about two of the board members last week," Jaya says.

"Yes, someone is causing a lot of problems for my dad, but it's nothing he can't handle," Anika says. "Viraj Desai is a very resourceful man," Jaya says. "Let's forget him and focus on your big day," Anika says. Anupama walks into the room. "Oh, I didn't know you had a guest. I will see you soon," Anupama says. "Oh, stay. Let me introduce you to Anika. She's Anuj's wife," Jaya says.

Anupama felt like someone had poured cold water on her body. She had just told Anuj's wife she had feelings for her husband. "B-B-But you to-told me your name was Anika Desai," Anupama says. "Yes, Anika Desai-Kapadia. Desai is my father's name," Anika says. "Ha, I have to go," Anupama ran out.

Anika followed her out of the corridor and pulled her hand. "Hey, why are you running?" Anika asks. "I-I have something to do," Anupama says. "Wait, are you getting weird because I know you want my husband?" Anika asks. "No, I don't want him. I didn't say that," Anupama says. "True, you said you were in love with him," Anika says.

"I was talking about someone else who was standing beside Anuj. Oh, don't get me wrong," Anupama says. "Stop lying. You are a big girl, so own it," Anika says. "I-I am sorry for disrespecting your marriage," Anupama says. "Oh, did you have sex with him?" Anika asks. "SSS-Sex. NO! I would never," Anupama says.

"So why are you apologising? It's normal to fall in love with someone," Anika says. "Umm," Anupama says. "Isn't he hot?" Anika asks. "He is your husband," Anupama says. Anika walks closer to her, her heels making a loud noise on the marble floor. "Too bad he is very hot, but his hot body goes to waste. I don't have sex with him. Do you want to have sex with him?" Anika asks. "Me... NO," Anupama says and rushes away.

She was hyperventilating and went to tell Devika everything. "You are crazy. Only you would tell the wife you love her husband," Devika says. "I expected her to rip my hair out, but she asked if I wanted to sleep with him," Anupama says. "I hope you didn't say yes," Devika says. "I didn't. I am not stupid," Anupama says.

Anupama hits Devika on the shoulder. "What makes you think that I want to sleep with him?" Anupama asks. "You were having dreams of a certain kind about him just months ago. Even before you and Shravan started talking," Devika says. "That was then," Anupama says. "So you don't think about sleeping with him?" Devika asks. "No, besides, I can't," Anupama says. "Valid point," Devika says.

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