Chapter 2

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Italics is Anupama talking about the past.

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"Don't you feel cold? Let's leave here," Anuj says. "I don't want my son to see me wasted," Anupama says. "Come to my place," Anuj says. Anuj had collected Samar's number and he had already texted him that he found his mom. "Let's go," Anupama says. Anuj texted him again.

You were right, she doesn't want to see you like this so I asked her to come to my room. I am going to let her express the pain, and hopefully, she will feel better. ---Anuj says.

Thank you so much, Uncle. I am sorry for ruining your sleep and asking you to babysit my mom. --- Samar says.

I was also raised by a single mother and so I am happy to help you. I am proud of your maturity and you remind me of myself. --- Anuj says.

Take care of my mom. --- Samar says.

I will. --- Anuj says. 


"Hello, why are you wasting time?" Anupama asks. Anuj put his phone in his pocket and follows her. She was not able to walk in a straight line so he held her hand. "How did you start dating then?" Anuj asks. 

"He never spoke about that night again, and he was very respectful and professional. But there was a day when he went above and beyond for me. Actions speak louder than words," Anupama says. 


I was out of town and my babysitter had an emergency and wanted to leave. I tried to call my friend Ruchika but remembered that it was the day of her presentation. I knew how worried and stressed she was so I couldn't put my problems on her to handle.

I tried to message a few mothers from his school that I was close to but they couldn't make it. And then, I saw his number and I don't know why but I called him.

May 23rd, 2018.

"Hey, Miss Joshi how are you doing?" Henry asked, trying to maintain professionalism. "I need help," Anupama says. "You are shaken up tell me what happened," Henry asked.

"I am out of town. My ten-year-old is at home with his babysitter but she has a family emergency and I don't have anyone to be with my son," Anupama says.

"I will go to him, I know your address. Just call and tell him that I am coming," Henry says. "Thank you so much. I am so grateful," Anupama says. "It's fine. Let's not waste time with this," Henry says.


He left everything behind to stay with my son. I wasn't able to leave my work for two days, and he stayed with my son throughout. I learnt later that he had cancelled a very important meeting to help me out.

He was actually the only man that I had met who truly understood my love for Samar. He didn't ever insinuate that Samar was not my actual son. He just understood and Samar liked him. I started seeing him differently, and I fell madly in love.


"Why did you break up with him then?" Anuj asks. "I had to come back to India because Dad told me it was time," Anupama says. She took a pause. "I did come back for myself. I want to take over my family's company because I know I am ready. I prepared my whole life for this," Anupama says.

"I know what it is like to have your heart set on a goal and prepare all your life to make it come to pass," Anuj says. Anupama looks back at him. "Exactly, and my ex-fiance also belongs to a wealthy family and he is a very ambitious man," Anupama says.

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