Chapter 28

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"You mean the Vishwa Joshi's daughter. The one about to become CEO. Are you crazy?" Viraj asks.

"No, it's the truth. They are both in love with each other, but this paper is the only thing separating them," Anika says. "I can't hurt a conglomerate's daughter. Plus, her media ratings are high," Viraj says. "I held up my end of the bargain. You will find something to use against her," Anika says. "When are you submitting your divorce papers?" Viraj asks. "I have sent my lawyer to do this now," Anika says.

Meanwhile, Sarita had already reached the family court and submitted the papers to the judge. It was already recorded that Anuj was the one to file for divorce, which gave him many advantages.


Jaya called up Sarita on the phone. "I want you to leak information about the divorce to the press," Jaya says. "How did you know about it?" Sarita asks. "I follow my nephew's steps," Jaya says. "He explicitly told me not to allow this to get to the media. He asked the judge for a private preceding," Sarita says. "Do as I have said. Remember, it was my brother who paid for your law school fees. It's the least you can do to avenge his death," Jaya says.

"Anuj will lose his trust in me," Sarita says. "Trust me," Jaya says. She cuts the phone, and Vishva comes to her. "Why are you going against your nephew's wishes?" Vishva asks. "His love for your daughter has made him lose sight of the goal," Jaya says. "He loves her?" Vishva asks. "Yes, but he is trying to curb his feelings. Now that he has filed for divorce, that will change. I can't let Viraj go unpunished for what he did to my family," Jaya says.

Vishva hugs his wife and kisses her cheeks. "I agree with Anupama. When you talk about the past, you are always so cold and calculating, but in the present, you are the sweetest person ever. Please release this grudge and let me help you," Vishva says. "I married you because I love you, not for you to take on the burdens of my past and trauma," Jaya says, turning and hugging him. "It's affecting my daughter's present, and she's madly in love with your nephew. I can't stay away anymore," Vishva says.

"We have to increase her security because she's Anuj's weakness, and Viraj might try to hurt her," Jaya says. "I will handle that, don't worry," Vishva says. "Don't you think they look good together?" Jaya asks. "Good genes run in your family. I can't wait to see what our grandchildren will look like," Vishva says. "You think they will have babies," Jaya says. "I'm sure. Anupama wants kids," Vishva says. "I don't think Malvika will give me grandkids. I will make do with my eldest daughter's kids," Jaya says.


The news flew fast and everywhere.

Devika saw the news on her phone and messaged Anupama immediately. The parent's group chat was going wild. Anika found out about the news while in bed with Kunal after wanting to celebrate that she would be a divorced woman soon. Viraj Desai saw the news in his office cabin during lunch.

Anupama was in a meeting, so she did not have access to her phone to see this. Anuj was also in a meeting planning ways to improve the branches of his schools. The children in school had seen the news, and they had started making comments and looking at Pakhi and Paritosh weirdly.

Nandini called Devika promptly, and she came to pick the kids up from school. Anupama saw the messages from Devika after she went out of her meeting, and she rushed to meet them. Pakhi was sobbing, and Paritosh was in denial. Anupama hugged Pakhi tight as she cried; meanwhile, Devika alerted Malvika that the children were with her.

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