Chapter 14

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As Anupama walked into the venue, she received a call from her father. "You had a miscarriage and didn't tell me," Vishva says from the phone. Anupama stopped in her tracks, and she didn't know how to react. "I am supposed to be your safe space. Why wouldn't you tell me?" Vishva asks.

"I was going to, but I needed time. Who told you?" Anupama says. Then she spotted Shravan speaking to someone, and she immediately suspected him. "It doesn't matter who told me, but it's just sad that you didn't. I am taking the first plane in the morning and flying back to Delhi," Vishva says.

Anupama cut the phone call and stomped towards Shravan. She grabbed his arms tightly and took him away to a silent spot. "What's going on?" Shravan asks. "How dare you tell my dad about my miscarriage? Who the hell do you think that you are? I am a grown-ass woman, and I don't need babysitting. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Anupama asks.

"You should better watch your language. What are you saying? I didn't tell your dad anything," Shravan says. "Oh, stop lying. Was it your plan to make me warm up to you and tell you things about myself so you can use it against me? I know my dad, and he is going to blame all this on himself, and he will ship me back to America and tell me to be with Henry. I don't want to be with Henry anymore," Anupama says.

"You are an adult, and I am sure you can stand up for yourself in front of your dad. Let me make myself clear. I didn't ask you to tell me anything about yourself, but you shared it, and I did not tell your dad anything. I am not a gossip," Shravan says. He walks out on her.

Then Anupama received a call from Henry's father, who had realised that he made a mistake by telling Vishva about the miscarriage. "It's fine. I have to go," Anupama says. She hit her palm on her head. "I have to apologise to Shravan," She says.

She returned to the party, and Anamika took her by the hand. "What happened between Shravan and you?" She asks. "A big misunderstanding and I need to go and apologise," Anu says.

"Not now, because he is beyond upset," Anamika says. "Okay, introduce me to your husband?" Anupama asks. Anamika introduced Anupama to her family and other guests. Minutes later, everyone sat down for dinner, and Anupama was beside Shravan. "I have been looking for you," Anupama says.

"Really, what do you want to accuse me of now," Shravan says. "I am so sorry. Just after our argument, I got a call from Henry's father, and he was the one who told my dad. Please forgive me," Anupama says. "It's good now that you know that it's not me. I would still like us to maintain a distance," Shravan says.

"Well, I don't want that." She put her hand on his thighs innocently. Shravan looked at her hand. "Oops, I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Shouldn't you be mature and not hold a grudge?" Anupama asks. "All I want is to eat, so let me concentrate," Shravan says.

"You were pretty authoritative with me when we were arguing. I don't like men, like that." Anupama says. "You need a man who can put you in your place when you are wrong. Everyone needs to be put in their place," Shravan says. "Except in bed, I don't want to be put in my place." She gives him a sly smile that makes him speechless.

They continued their dinner in silence, and then Anupama whispered something into his ear. "Do you want to put me in my place in bed? Am I being direct enough with you?" Anupama asks. She walked to the restroom to check her makeup.

Shravan sighed and gulped the remaining contents of whiskey in his glass. Anamika came to introduce him to someone. "I don't want to go on a date with someone else because Anupama has asked me not to," Shravan asks.

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