Chapter 21

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A week later,

Anuj looked at the form on his table. Two months ago, he had put in an application to change the name of the school's that he had built. Now, it was time for the campaign about the name change.  When the news was announced that Anuj was changing his name from Desai, he got a call from his father-in-law.

"Why have you changed the name?" Viraj asks. "I think it's time for me to reap the benefits of my hard work. I have fully bought you out of my school trust so now it's time to change the name," Anuj says. "What are you trying to do?" Viraj asks. "Father-in-law, you are a businessman. Would do work hard and then let someone else name reap the benefits," Anuj says. His father-in-law ended the phone call.

"He has named the school after his mother. That is the biggest sign that he is ready for war," Viraj says.


Sunday 11th November, 2023.

Anupama arrived at Devika's for dinner. "You were right about Anuj and I spending a lot of time together and how it might start to affect me," Anupama says. "What happened?" Devika asks. "We are spending an alarming amount of time texting and seeing each other in person. Malvika all of a sudden is not interested in planning the wedding so we have to do it all by ourselves. You know we went to Mumbai together last week," Anupama says.

"I just like talking to him and then when we go for our dance practice. I just feel like we have sexual chemistry although I know I am probably imagining it. But I am back to where I was of being attracted to him," Anupama says. "You have to either stop spending so much time with him or tell him so he can decide what to do," Devika says.

"It would be so embarrassing. He is just treating me nice because we are about to be family and my mind stays in the gutter," Anupama says. "I told you that it would happen again," Devika says. "I know. I should have listened to you. You were always the wise one," Anupama says.

"Are you falling in love with him?" Devika asks. She threw her head back on chair. "It's too late for that question," Anupama says, tears coming down her eyes. "Oh my gosh," Devika hugged her friend tight. "I don't know his fucking wife but she is so lucky to have him," Anupama says.

"I think I need to go away for a while," Anupama says. "Let's go to Italy together to visit my mom," Devika says. "I will hand over the wedding planning to Malvika back," Anupama says. "Just pack your bags, I will handle everything," Devika says. "Thank you," Anupama hugged her.


Anupama arrived home she went to meet her dad. "I need a two-week holiday," Anupama says. "Shravan is finishing this week. I can't have my new COO missing," Vishva says. "Dad, I need this break," Anupama says. "Okay," Vishva says. "Thank you," Anupama says.

She went to Samar's room and knocked on the door. "Come in," He says. "Hey, I am going to Italy with Aunt Devika. I need a break," Anupama says. "What happened?" Samar says. "Nothing, I just need this moment to myself," Anupama says. "I hope you have a good trip," Samar says.


"I am quite excited to see your mom and have her cook for us," Anupama says, on the phone call. "Yes, she is excited to have you," Devika says. "Okay, I am meeting Malvika now to tell her I am leaving for Italy," Anupama says. Anupama entered Anuj's house where Malvika had invited her.

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