Something is in the Air Tonight

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"Forgive you

It is not hard to forgive you

Transparent heart, i know who are you

It is okay to forgive you

Need no reason, just forgive you

Pains u gave me, smiles i give you

Hates can stab me, please not to you

You innocent in the eyes of anger

Truth will be seen a bit longer

Never mind how deep you cut my skin

Never mind how bloody heart i felt in

I just can't hate you

Everything u do, forgive you

I need to save you from dark

So just give me all your pain

Cleanse your suffering marks

I'll wipe away your trouble not to stain

Then, when a chance came to me

Finally i have to leave you

Doesn't mean grudge buried me

But no chance to tell you

When truth comes tell everything

Don't feel regret or bad feeling

I told you, i forgive you

But now forgive me for leaving you

Only one thing i want you always do

Smile as sincere u can do

We still friend, promise you, I do..

Forgave you, now Forgive me"

Unwritten Soul


"This is Hitomi and Honao, the in-laws." Asami introduced with a grin.

Hitomi grinned in Itachi's direction, "Nice to meet you, future brother."

Itachi curled an eyebrow, glancing between the older sister's bright red face and Hitomi and Asami's matching evil smirks.

Makoto, who was just about to enter the room, quickly backed away.

Itachi smirked. "Nice to meet you too, sister."

The younger girls cheered. Honao turned even redder.


Ino stroked the petal of one of the roses, admiring its bright yellow color.

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