The Test

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"To everyone a gift is given and a problem set.

There's a mission to fulfill, a challenge to be met...

A special work to carry out that no one else can do-

A task to be accomplished, and to this we must be true.

Do not envy anyone because they seem to be-

Lucky, happy, and content, from care and worry free...

Everybody is on trial in their appointed sphere-

A smiling face may mask an ugly scar, a secret fear.

Covet nothing, envy none, for all have things to bear

Everything is balanced, God is good and life is fair...

Who has had the worst of it and who has had the best-

None can say, for each must pass his individual test."

Winifred Emma May


When Asami made it to the training grounds that morning, the anticipation was basically eating at her.

She was so excited. She hoped that together she, Ashi, and Kohaku would be able to complete this test. Maybe, if they did, they would join the annual friday-evening meals at the restaurant? That could be fun. There's never too much chaos! She smirked at the thought, an evil giggle escaping her mouth.

This is the moment Kohaku arrived, looking at her in concern at the look of scheming on her face.

He decided it was best not to ask questions and sat down on the soft grass next to her to wait for the rest of their group.


"Goodmorning, little Genins!" Fuyuto greeted, hat particularly bright that cloudy morning.

"Hiya, Sensei!" Ashi said loudly, a grin on his face. Higamaru was nearby, chasing his tail, making Asami giggle.

Kohaku nodded at their sensei, fiddling with his thumbs. He glanced around at his teammates. Ashi was now wrestling with Higamaru, and Asami was watching them. Neither seemed worried about the test. He swallowed, turning to look at his new teacher. Hopefully the man would stay his teacher.

They just have to pass.

"What's the test Sensei-Fuyuto?" he asked, gaining the attention of Ashi and Asami.

"I am so very glad you asked!" the Jonin responded, grinning maniacally. "Your objective is very simple! You must break into The Police Headquarters and obtain a scroll that I have hidden somewhere in the building. If you are caught, you fail. If you don't get the right scroll, you fail."

Asami choked on her saliva. "You want us to break into the Police Department?!"

Fuyuto had a mischievous look in his eyes. "Of course!"

And then he disappeared, laugh echoing in the wind around them.

Ashi whined and dramatically flopped to the ground.

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