The Beginnings of Something New

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TW: major canon divergence, aka I do what I want. Evil Hokage, Badass Shikaku. Sad Asami and Itachi


"What happens to the one who shouts, while others only whisper?

He is silenced among the masses for being the only speaker,

Only a few choose to fight the waves, others wait for it to hurt enough,

They fight through the pain, hoping that the pain makes them tough,

A lot will choose to leave and start anew among the neutrals,

It's peaceful, progressive, and free from all the battles,

But you've taken yourself out of a war you were prepped for,

To settle in ease, while your brothers rest in peace,

You ran from a struggle that was meant to make you strong,

A struggle to determine what's right and what's wrong,

And what about that one who shouted? where is he now?

He's locked and alone, waiting for a miracle to come around,"



He landed silently behind her, footsteps light against the soft grass.

Her teammates were sleeping peacefully yards away. He had taken advantage of her need to breath.

He hoped she could forgive him.

"Imouto." he said.

She whirled around in shock, mouth dropping open.


If there was one thing Shikaku didn't know, it was how the Hokage could have the audacity.

What, does he think the Naras are stupid? That they wouldn't notice the man bullying one of their own?

Asami was a Nara in all but name.

And he was sure that too would change in a few years.


Hiruzen Sarutobi would regret the day he challenged the Nara.

If he survived long enough to react.


"Itachi!?" Asami shouted, staring at him in shock.

"Tis I." he said, stance open and honest.

She immediately glared at him. "You asshole."

Itachi awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I understand why you would feel that way-"

She exploded into anger. "Understand? UNDERSTAND!!?? You LEFT!! You Murdered your ENTIRE FAMILY and-" The anger quickly turned to tears. "We missed you so much."

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