Becoming a Genin

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Ashi means "Paw" and his puppy's name is Higamaru, Higa which means "Sun/Sunlight" and Maru means "Circle"

Kohaku means "Amber"


"Give me protection,

I am here to give you

Perfection in return.

How can I give

Nothing is mine

And I am just in.

I wonder where you are,

And I dare to asked that star.

The star is smiling

And I am realizing

The truth in life.

Life itself is a blessing

I know, nothing is confusing

Just accept everybody as kith and kin."

Gajanan Mishra


It was friday afternoon, and Asami was grinning as she pulled the rolls out of the oven, inhaling the fresh scent greedily.

"Excited, are we?" Shikamaru asked in amusement, from where he was sitting on the counter, fiddling with a ladle.

Soon, everyone else would be arriving. After the UM (Uchiha Massacre), as Asami had taken to calling it, and Itachi left, they had tried to continue their Friday evening dinners. As their friend group grew, so did the table. Makoto had even taken to inviting some of his friends over, too. It was a night full of laughter and happiness.

Tonight, it will be her last Friday as an Academy Student. For come monday, she will graduate.

The anticipation!


Asami smirked at Makoto from across the table, eyeing the way Honao was hiding her face in his shoulder as she laughed joyously. It was the brunettes' first time joining them, and Asami was giddy at the idea of having an older sister. She'd always wanted one.

Makoto glared at her, sticking his tongue at her when nobody else was looking at them.

Asami copied the movement, quickly putting on an innocent face when Honao looked over.

Shikamaru chuckled and she turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

"And what do you think you're laughing at, hedgehog?" Asami asked.

He sputtered. "Hedgehog?" She smirked in response.

"Fine. Be like that, carrots." He responded, blocking the poke she aimed at his side with his hand, latching onto hers to keep them from attacking him further.

Shikamaru was distracted, though, when Chouji asked him a question, turning to his best friend to answer.

Asami blinked, a small smile on her face as she watched him. She turned when Makoto nudged her with a foot. This time, he was the one smirking.

Lights Down LowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora