Planning Fourth of July party!

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Friday July 1 st  2024

** it's the middle of the night and Carina is breastfeeding Niccolas , she just got back from a birth , she was asked to come help... and she's checking her emails on her phone. Everyone confirmed that they will come over for the Fourth of July party, three days from now... at 13h until fireworks are set to begin around 21 h to 23h . She's still in her work clothes.. and she knows she won't be getting much sleep tonight.. Niccolas doesn't want to sleep so she's walking around the house trying to calm him down. She quietly tells Maya she's back home safely. Somehow every time Carina wants to take a nap, some kid comes up to her upset or wants something from her that will last for a good three days **

1 h 38  am

Carina: babe I'm back home now....

Maya : hrmmmm ! What time is it?
Carina: it's almost two o clock in the morning! Insane traffic and construction on the roads uhhhh !

Maya : hrmmm im happy you're home...
Mister Gecko kind of helps me with my anxiety... but he's not as good as you are.. he doesn't hug me like you do.

Carina : awnnnn ! That's really sweet babe! Oh Niccolas is crying and crying, let me go get him.

** she left her bedroom and went to her sons room and he really didn't want to sleep, he was wide awake and jumped up and down his bed, holding himself up and being really happy his momma came to see him . **

Carina : shhhhhhhhhhhh , momma is here, you are so beautiful my baby boy... momma loves you so much.

** she gives him kisses on his cheeks and holds his hand while she sat down in his rocking chair in his room, Maya fell back asleep really quickly, Carina semi closed his bedroom door so he wouldn't wake everyone else up . She then removes her shirt and nursing bra off and begins breastfeeding him . She eventually had to go downstairs and walk around the house to calm him down, when she tried to put him back down in his bed he would immediately start crying so she would have to start all over again.. comforting him. **

Carina: shhhhhhhhh , it's okay, I won't put you down again... it's okay, you can sleep in my arms then !

** she managed to remove her jeans and found her clean pyjamas shorts in the laundry room and she sat down to put them on and immediately started walking around the house again... he loves it when people move around while they hold him when he's EXTREMELY UPSET, like today. This has only happened once in the past six months so all of this experience is really new to her. She's really trying the "Trial and Error Mode " !

Later that day...

8h47 am

**Everyone was now awake and had breakfast, Carina made breakfast, her French toast with her sleepy eyes...  All she wanted was to sleep peacefully...

Niccolas had just calmed down, several minutes before, it hasn't been an easy night, he wanted to be swaddled in a specific blanket.. by the time Carina figured it out the sun was already up .! It was five thirty eight in the morning when he finally stopped crying, she could finally lay down on the couch for a while... until Giovanni and Salvatore woke up around 6h30 am ! So she had one hour of sleep in total. **

Maya : good morning babe ! How did you sleep...
Carina: I'm going to lose my mind...  Giovanni, Salvatore, please STOP FIGHTING!
Giovanni : he TOOK MY TOY MOMMA.
Carina : I honestly don't care about that right now... I didn't SLEEP AT ALL LAST NIGHT SO I HAVE ZERO PATIENCE WHATSOEVER SO PLEASE STOP FIGHTING!

Giovanni: but momma I had it first !

soooooo ... I'm not patient with no one right now!

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