Starting to Nest ?

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Thursday May 8 th 2024

** Carina loves being up to breastfeed little Niccolas , he's been not interested in sleeping through the night lately... tonight was one of those nights where he's wide awake and therefore Carina is wide awake as well... normally she wouldn't mind it if he was a newborn but he's been sleeping through the nights since he was four months old... so only a month now but he's been up all night for the last two nights now... Carina usually gets up and walks around the house with him on her chest so Maya's able to sleep through the night. **

3h12 am

Why are you wide awake? Huh ? You have been sleeping so well throughout the nights for the past four weeks now Bambina ! And suddenly ohhh no more sleeping through the night... why ?

**Niccolas babbles back at Carina **

Aye aye !
Let's give you some breast milk... maybe that will help you sleep better?

** she smiles softly as she kisses him everywhere on his precious face and she kisses his toes ! She gets comfortable on the double couch and puts a blanket over herself to keep him warm.. he gets cold easily. Always have been, since he was brought home with Carina ! He has multiple blankets in his bed ! They always use two blankets when carrying him around the house or in his car seat, a warm wool one and a light weight blanket**

Carina: momma loves you so much my precious little bambino ! You're so sweet! Say I don't like sleeping because I like to see everything that's going on in the house! Huh ?

** she smiles and carefully puts him on her breasts and begins breastfeeding him... she double checks his airway before, everything is good this time. They eventually fall asleep on the couch... Niccolas is still wide awake.. he took several naps while being on his momma's chest **

8h28 am

**Carina gave her children breakfast and she let Londyn stay home from school again as she's slowly getting better now, so tomorrow she'll be able to go back to school and see her friends, Maya woke up extremely energized and she started organizing Charlotte'a bedroom closet... organizing her clothes by colour **

Carina: babeeee where are you?
Maya : I'm upstairs in Charlotte's bedroom!

Carina: still? You've been in there for quite some time now, what are you doing?

** she smiles and goes to check on her wife with a now sleeping Niccolas **

Ohhhh now that it's the day time... mister is sleeping!
Which is what I should do now too ...
Anyways I'm coming upstairs... !

Maya : I'm organizing her clothes with everything... her bows and cute hair accessories in this bins !

Carina: okay ! That's early to be nesting babe !
Come relax downstairs with us please!

Maya : but ... I'm ...

Carina: you're going to have a moment of nesting I promise you that before she comes out... remember? We really want you to come cuddle with us downstairs please please!

** she smiles softly and pouted her lips and looks at her wife with puppy dog eyes and it works ***

Maya : fine ! I'm coming... but only because I'm tired of being up on my feet!

Carina: what ? Not because you love your extremely gorgeous wife and four years old daughter and your five months old son sooooo much that you want to spend quality time with us ?

Maya : you are absolutely right, I'm sorry! I'm coming with you... because I miss you all so much, and want to be with you, and also because my feet hurt from being up for so long.
Carina: that's more the reason we've been waiting for...

You Are Loved ♥️ ( Chapter Twelve) Where stories live. Discover now