Deleted Scene: Summer 1945, The Burning Stove

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Alternatively, the one where Bucky Egan consistently saves the Cleven home from ruin or being burned down, thanks to the horny efforts of his sister and best friend. Yes, he's extremely annoyed by said events. Alternatively, the one where Kathryn mortifies her brother to the point where he doesn't even want to look Gale or Kathryn in the eyes. Yes, she's extremely embarrassed by said events.


A/N: Please note that this chapter does contain some mature content and some spice, so viewer discretion is advised. That being said, I'm having a ton of fun writing the deleted scenes! Also go check out Mastermind!! The third chapter should be up tomorrow and I'm looking forward to see what you all think! Keep sending me your requests and if you wanna talk OC stuff, or MOTA stuff, go check out my Tumblr blog @Luminouslywriting

Chapter Text

For Kathryn Egan, there was a solid routine that was down in the last month since she had been married. She and Gale would wake up a little before he had to go into work and they'd have a breathless wake-up call. They'd make breakfast together and he'd go off to work while she readied her upcoming school year lesson plans. Then she'd go out for a bit, maybe socialize with one or two people if she was in the mood for it, and then return home to get dinner ready.

Dinner was usually shared with Bucky, given the fact that he had bought the house next door and didn't have anyone to cook for him. She honestly didn't trust him to take care of himself in that way, given the way that she and Buck had stuck by his side so closely for such a long time in the Stalags.

Not every day, but most days, consisted of spending time with her husband and her brother. It was a good way to live, a simple way to spend her time, and it made Kathryn happy . Truth be told, when it was just her, Kathryn found herself on edge from being alone. Didn't like how it made her feel, didn't like the anxiety that seemed to clutch at her throat whenever she did find herself alone.

On this particular day, Kathryn was in the middle of baking a lasagna and cooking some green beans on the stove when Gale came walking through the kitchen door. "Hey baby," Kathryn exclaimed, turning to smile at him. "How was work—"

She had no sooner gotten half of her question out that Gale was sweeping her up in his arms like a man half-starved. "Hi honey," his voice rasped against her collarbone and she just wrapped her arms around him.

"Hard day today?" Kathryn questioned softly. Their healing wasn't linear and the things that tended to make them panic or have flashbacks to the war were anything but predictable.

"Mmhmm," Gale's voice hummed against her.

"I'm sorry," Kathryn murmured, slipping her hands into his hair and beginning to massage at the scalp. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Just need you," Gale's voice sounded like drums beating against her chest.

"Well I'm making dinner. You hungry?" Kathryn asked, gently taking his face in her hands and gazing into his eyes.

"Darlin'," Gale's tone of voice made her very toes curl up. "I'm starving ."

Before she could even tell him when the dinner would be ready, he was sinking to his knees and tugging her legs apart, the bottom of her dress swishing just above him. "Gale—" Kathryn started in a hiss, eyes wide at him. "Dinner will—o OH." Those fingers and that tongue, absolutely sinful of him.

"It'll be fine," Gale smiled up at her cheekily.

Except for the fact that it most certainly wasn't. So when Gale finally plucked Kathryn off the ground and took her into the dining room, burying himself to the hilt in her, neither one was going to notice the smoke coming from the stove as the green beans burned. Or the smoke coming from the oven as the lasagna turned extra crispy.

So when Bucky Egan came waltzing over for dinner—at the same time he always did, three times a week, he thought nothing of it. The lights were on in the Cleven household and he was whistling a merry tune as he twisted the door-handle, coming face to face with the smell of smoke.

Neither Kathryn or Gale was anywhere to be seen and so Bucky took action quickly. He immediately turned the stove off, scowling as he did so. Where in the blazes were those two? Making quick work of the charred lasagna, he just gave a sound of disgust as a sound from upstairs caught his attention.

"Oh I swear to God, if you two hormonal KIDS is up there making a baby while I just saved your damn house, I'm gonna kill you myself!" Bucky called, marching through the house and ignoring the way that the dining room had been messed up.

Silence fell from up the stairs and it took a moment before Kathryn's voice was heard throughout the house. "Did something start on fire?" Kathryn asked in a breathless tone from upstairs.

Bucky just shook his head in utter disgust. "Unbelievable! You two are ridiculous, you know that?!" He demanded, hands going to his hips as he just stared at the empty staircase in front of him. "Gale, I know you know better than that!"

Another rustling sound and Gale finally emerged from the bedroom, hair sticking in all directions, wearing only his work-pants, and cheeks burning red. "Sorry about that!" Gale said from his position at the top of the stairs. "We were—"

"Oh don't give me an excuse!" Bucky exclaimed. "Your house almost started on fire because you were getting hot and heavy with my baby sister? Disgusting! Shameful! What kinda weird shit is this?" He demanded.

The door opened again and Kathryn appeared, blue bathrobe on and eyes blazing. "Okay, you know what? We thank you for saving the house, we've got it from here! No dinner today!"

"A bunch of hormonal teenagers," Bucky just shook his head and made his way back towards the kitchen. "I expect better from you two!"

Kathryn sank against the wall as Bucky exited the house, still mumbling about disappointment and that 'he raised them better than this.' "Well that was mortifying," Kathryn let out a breath, blowing a strand of fallen hair out of her face.

"At least there's not a fire?" Gale offered weakly.

She elbowed him. "Not even funny. This is your fault, Mr. I'm Starving."

"Does that mean you don't want me to—"

Kathryn just climbed atop his lap, gaze steady. "I didn't say that. You're still hungry, aren't you?"

Gale grinned at her. " God, I love you."

"And I love you. But no more fires, Mr. Cleven." 

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