Chapter 42

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A/N: You wanted domestic fluff? Check. You wanted Gale angst? Also check. Please let me know if there's anything else domestically you'd like to see! Thank you!

September 1945

That August, Kathryn began teaching at a kindergarten—finally forgoing her medical rank and fame to fulfill her true calling. And honestly, she had never been more relaxed or happy in her life. And how could she not be? She had a husband who she adored more than life itself (and always took the time to let her know how much he adored her).

All of her friends were doing well—just two weeks ago, Kathryn had flown to New York to be present for the birth of her first godchild—a precious little girl with the curliest head of hair she had ever seen on a baby. Leah Marie Rosenthal was an angel —and Kathryn was certain that she had never seen a more beautiful baby in her whole damn life.

Rosie and Laura were preparing to head back to Europe for the upcoming Trials—and Kathryn had been communicating quite a lot with Rosie about that particular matter via letters and testaments.

Her brother had finally been relaxing a little bit—and he had reconnected with a girl from high school that had been three years older than Kathryn. Her name was Josephine Pitz—affectionately known as Josie. Kathryn vaguely remembered seeing her around the halls when she had been a sophomore, and she was always really kind.

Given the fact that it was her brother's birthday and he had finally plucked up the liquid courage to ask Josephine out on a double date—which she and Gale would be meeting them for—Kathryn was rather excited.

Over in Europe, Bucky hadn't really ever been the type to date . It was gross, but she knew her brother's reputation as a ladies man and had heard enough from the other women on base to know that it was accurate. For Bucky to actually ask Josie out meant that he certainly liked her a hell of a lot more than anyone else. For as long as Kathryn could remember, her brother didn't ever really date. He just slept around. It was a big deal, at least, in Kathryn's eyes.

Besides—she needed him to date someone so he would stop coming over to their house all of the time. It wasn't that she didn't love her brother dearly—because she truly did. But the first few times that he had come by unannounced and loudly let them know that something was burning on the stove had been embarrassing enough. But when he had shown up entirely unannounced, blackout drunk and crawling through the window when she was in the middle of pleasuring her husband— yeah that could never be repeated again.

That being said, Kathryn was more than excited to get back home from work and see the whole thing play out. She nearly skipped out of her classroom for the day, a grin painted onto her face.

The grin stayed on her face as she drove home—and it stayed on her face as she touched up her makeup. She was just in the middle of applying a shade of lipstick when Meatball came running in the room, followed by her husband.

For a moment, he just stood in the doorway, a soft grin on his face. He was unable to tear his gaze away from her at all. Every time that he looked at her, he was like a man finding water after a drought—and he could never drink in the sight of her enough.

Gale crossed the room and pressed a kiss to the top of her head and she lit up at the sight of him. "Hi baby, how was work?" She questioned.

"Oh it was fine," he said, leaning back and taking a seat on the bed to watch her finish up her makeup. "Not nearly as interesting as this."

"Now Gale, if you make me blush—we won't be on time and I think my poor brother has been through enough of that," Kathryn insisted firmly.

"He should learn to knock."

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