Chapter 27

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Kathryn was no expert with spinal injuries, not in any sort of way. She knew what everyone else in medical school had learned about them—that you leave them alone if you're unsure if you're going to make things work.

By the end of her first week at the Stalag Luft III, Kathryn had finally been allowed to take a look at one of the more serious injuries at the camp. It was a crude machine used for x-rays, but there she was and staring at the x-ray for Second Lieutenant Richard Macon.

"Someone set this?" She questioned, gaze flickering between the x-ray and Macon. Standing near him tensely was his friend, Second Lieutenant Alexander Jefferson.

In the short week she had been there, she found herself at ease with both of these men. It probably had something to do with the targeting that the nurses found themselves facing and the fact that they were the only Tuskegees in the Camp. At least for now. And there was also the fact that they were all in the same bunk room—so really at this point, she could have called them friends if she felt so inclined.

Still, she felt bad for them. They had no choice but to trust her medical opinion—and she didn't know very much at the moment.

"Broken shoulder, broken neck. I was in a field hospital and the Germans set it," Macon answered.

"Well you're going to need a cast," Kathryn answered with a frown. "Maggie—"

"I'll grab one," Maggie had been waiting beside Kathryn for her chance to help in any sort of way. She made a dash for the limited medical supplies that they had while Kathryn turned back to the two soldiers.

"No matter what my brother tells you, baseball isn't on the cards for you quite yet," Kathryn managed a tight smile.

At that, Macon nearly smiled—and Jefferson did give a smile. "Thank you for the help, Doc Egan," Jefferson piped up.

"Just doing my job."

"Well I've never met a doctor as nice as you are." Jefferson added.

Kathryn almost doubted that—she didn't consider herself very nice anymore. And she couldn't remember the last time she had actually done something nice for someone else that didn't relate to the war. She was cold and she was harsh and she was Doctor Egan now.

"Well that's nice of you to say. Now, Macon—you're going to need some rest. And I know they have you boys doing work, but you're not gonna be helping anyone with that neck. So just rest." Kathryn advised.

Maggie had returned and between the two of them, they were able to give him the cast. They walked Macon and Jefferson back to the cabin, finding the boys in a game of cards. "How's he doing?" Buck questioned, not looking up from his bed.

"Doc gave me a cast and everything," Macon answered.

"He'll be okay. I don't think there's any permanent damage—" Kathryn had just sat down and grabbed a book when footsteps pounded outside of the room and the door to the cabin was thrown open.

Standing there was one of the German SS Officers. "Where is Doctor Egan?"

"I'm here. How can I—?" Kathryn questioned, narrowing her gaze.

The next few seconds were chaos. Because the Officer had charged over to her, grabbed her harshly by the hair and the wrist and was hauling her outside with the men following closely behind in an uproar.

Kathryn's knees hit the ground and her gaze landed on a German Soldier, screaming and writhing in pain at a gaping hole in his chest. Blood was spurting out and Kathryn's eyes were just wide—

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