Deleted Scene: Summer 1941, First Meetings

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Alternatively, the one where Kathryn Egan hasn't seen her brother in what feels like forever because Basic Training has been taking up all of his time and his letters are seemingly about his new best friend—she's a little jealous because SHE's supposed to be Bucky's best friend and that's that. So when she finally gets to meet up with her big brother and his new bff for the weekend, she's fully prepared to dislike Buck Cleven. What she's completely unprepared for is the way that he immediately charms his way into her good graces. Alternatively, the one where Kathryn feels threatened by Gale Cleven for the only time in her entire life and Bucky never lets it go haha.


A/N: Hey guys!! I hope you enjoy this one! ALSO!!! My third MOTA Fic, Mastermind is out now! So please go check it out and give it some love! Thank you!

Chapter Text

Kathryn Egan felt like she had been waiting at the club for what felt like forever . Sure, she had arrived fifteen minutes early. But fifteen minutes was a whole lifetime when it came to her brother and herself. Minus the few years where she hadn't been born, neither she nor her older brother John 'Bucky' Egan had been seen without one another.

So for him to run off and go to basic training while she was doing medical school was a whole nightmare for the both of them. They felt starved for one another's attention and truth be told, Kathryn felt utterly unlike herself without her brother present.

But the thought of seeing her brother any minute now didn't stop the way that her foot was tapping up and down nervously, the way that she kept tucking her hair behind her ear, and the way she kept nervously glancing around the club. What if Bucky had replaced her? What if Buck was his new best friend and he didn't need her anymore?

Initially, she hadn't been worried about the entire thing. Because she was Kitty and he was Bucky and there was no changing that. Nothing could ever come in between them. But then all of his letters had started including this Buck from Wisconsin. .

She honestly could have screamed at every single letter that included him because she felt sorely left out of things . And she didn't like that. Further considering the fact that she had just broken up with Charlie a few weeks previous, Kathryn felt totally and utterly alone. Phone calls to Eugenia weren't going to make up for the fact that she missed her big brother.

Luckily for her, she would have recognized him from a mile away. If not for the fact that he was grinning that signature shit-eating Egan grin, then certainly for the fact that he had yelled, "KATH!" and sprinted towards her.

A grin spread across Kathryn's features and she met him halfway in the middle, getting swept up in a large hug that left her nearly dizzy when he finally deposited her back on the ground. "Good God, Johnny!" Kathryn exclaimed, poking at his arms. "What have they been feeding you?"

Bucky seemed pleased that she noticed the muscle he had acquired, flexing his arm out proudly. "You think the girls will all like this?"

"I see it's done nothing for your ego," Kathryn replied dryly.

"Aww Kath—"

"Oh just wait until you hear that they're promoting him," A new voice chipped in. Kathryn turned, hair nearly flicking one Buck Cleven in the face as she sized him up.

Truth be told, Kathryn was sure what exactly she had been expecting, but the golden cherub with the innocent features was certainly and decidedly not what she had pictured. Careful not to slip in her thoughts, Kathryn just plastered a grin onto her face. "You must be Cleven!"

"Buck!" Bucky corrected.

"Oh you did that on purpose! You and I both know that there's no Buck from home!" Kathryn insisted. She turned towards Buck, shaking her head at him. "I'm sorry about this troublemaker you've found yourself friends with. But a promotion?"

Bucky blushed and Buck just elbowed him. "Oh don't get humble about it now," Buck insisted. "You were braginn' about it the entire ride here."

Kathryn turned expectantly towards her brother as they finally took their seats. "Well?"

"Fine," Bucky raised his hands innocently. "They're promoting me to Staff Sergeant."

"That's great!" Kathryn exclaimed brightly. "You're the best and they should know it! Now, Buck," Kathryn said pointedly. "I suppose I should tell you that it's good to meet you. But truth be told, you're not what I was expecting."

Gale Cleven settled back in his seat, a small grin crossing his features. "Well neither are you."

"A good thing, I hope?"

"Certainly, Kathryn."

Kathryn let a small smile grace her features. "Now how the hell did you end up friends with this jackass?" She questioned, gesturing at her brother.

Almost immediately, Bucky was elbowing her and shaking his head. "Seriously?"

"Well it's the truth!" Kathryn exclaimed.

Buck just gave a laugh, looking between the two of them. "Somethin' tells me that this is just the start of your arguin'."

"Guilty as charged," both Egan siblings piped up at the same time.

"And if you really must know," Buck continued in a light tone. "He just gave me the name and it stuck. Everyone else started callin' me by it and then I found myself pulling him out of a bar fight."

"Oh that makes much more sense," Kathryn exhaled. "Because I don't mean to offend, but you're entirely the opposite of everyone he's ever been friends with."

"And is that a good thing?" Buck questioned, leaning forward intently—something twinkling in his eyes.

"Well I came wholly prepared to dislike you for stealing away my best friend . But I suppose I can share my brother for the time being," Kathryn finally said.

"You've got Kath's seal of approval," Bucky grinned, nudging at Buck. "That means she's gonna be just as mean to you as she is to me."

"No I won't!" Kathryn insisted. "I'm not mean at all! You just drive your sisters crazy!"

"And I always will," Bucky promised, ruffling at her hair. "Now tell me all about school!"

And as Kathryn Egan began chirping about medical school and asking questions to her brother and Buck Cleven, she found that a dynamic easily arose between the three of them. And she wasn't uncomfortable or jealous. She was at ease . Maybe she really could handle Buck Cleven being a part of her and Bucky's life. For now, at least. 

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