Deleted Scene: Summer 1945, Honeymoon Hijinks

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Alternatively, the one where the newly dubbed 'Cleven' husband and wife go to Florida and shenanigans ensue. If not for the fact that they are absolutely obsessed with one another, then it's definitely because Kathryn is kinda famous and things get chaotic wherever they go. There's also the fact that she doesn't want to leave his lap and it's a public place—so of course, Gale is a blushing mess. But at this point? They're both incorrigible and NOT keeping those hands where anyone can see them.


A/N: Just some soft honeymoon spice since y'all wanted to see it haha! As always, let me know what you think + anything else you want to see with the deleted scenes haha!

Chapter Text

Kathryn had never been to Florida. She hadn't really ever cared for going to somewhere so humid and hot, preferring Wisconsin and its fair weather to everywhere else. She also wasn't sure about how keen she was on hitting the beach—considering how her body tended to give herself a large amount of horror.

There was no way she was going to shock sensible vacation-goers and women by having them see the horrors that marred her body.

Instead, they were going to be spending time doing other things—although what, Kathryn wasn't sure. She thought that Gale had a few pamphlets tucked away for shopping centers and sight-seeing.

They had chosen to take a train rather than a plane—Kathryn had had enough of those planes to last her a whole lifetime. Although truth be told, a train wasn't much preferable, given their treatment in Germany. At the moment though, she was sitting perfectly content, tucked into her husband's arms.

Husband , such a funny word. She wasn't sure she'd ever be used to calling him her husband or if the giddy butterflies would ever leave her. She'd be alright if they didn't—she rather liked feeling like a girl with a crush every time that she looked at him, so peaceful and silently strong and just beautiful.

Gale seemed to sense Kathryn's gaze on him. "See somethin' you like?"

She couldn't help that a slight giggle spilled from her lips and she leaned upwards, pressing a delicate kiss onto his cheek. "Absolutely, darlin'."

Noting the fact that people could pass by their train car at any minute, Gale blushed. It had taken them hours to drag themselves out of bed and to check out of the hotel. Truth be told, he had half a mind to just cancel any sight-seeing that they were planning on. He'd rather continue to map and chart out Kathryn Cleven to the fullest, memorize himself in her and the way that she worked—

And all of these thoughts were not helping him cool down in any way, shape, or form. Not the way that she was leaning into him, not the way that his hand was resting on her upper thigh, and certainly not the way that he was looking at her right now.

"Uh—" Gale sucked in a breath, trying to remember how to form words again. "I know you said you didn't want to go to the beach. I was looking at some of the pamphlets and I thought you might like to see the Cypress Gardens."

Kathryn's gaze just remained locked onto him—practically hanging onto his every word. "That sounds nice."

"Kath—" Gale started.

"What? I'm listening!" Kathryn insisted, a smile spreading across her face.

"I don't know that you are."

"I always listen to you, Gale," Kathryn reassured him. "Even when your science talk goes over my head."


When they had arrived in Florida, she wasn't surprised when people were trying to snap pictures of the two of them. Becoming a sort-of celebrity overnight hadn't ever been in the plans for Kathryn, and she much preferred a quiet lifestyle with her husband rather than one in the spotlight.

They had ducked into a cafe for lunch, getting their food to go. They had driven for a little while before ending up at a park near some sort of beach—and just the sight of it was enough for Kathryn. She hated sand now, hated the feeling of it everywhere, hated the way that the salt would taste in the air—it was all too much like Normandy.

Sensing that Kathryn was lost in memories—and noting the fact that she had been in Normandy mere days after D-Day—Gale was no stranger to the sight in front of him. So he let out a sigh and gently just moved her onto his lap. At the movement, Kathryn gave a slight squeal, catching onto his shoulders for balance.

"Why, Mr. Cleven, what are you up to?" Kathryn questioned, glancing around at the mostly secluded park. There were a few people scattered here and there.

"You're in your head again, baby."

Kathryn nuzzled her forehead into his—and despite the Floridean heat, she didn't mind the way that their bodies fit against each other. The way that her heat pressed against him, the way that her skirt rode up ever so slightly and his fingers ghosted across her thighs. "I think you're playing a dangerous game here," Kathryn mumbled out. "Hands are where everyone can see them and—"

A soft kiss and nip to her lips totally left her speechless. Gale seemed rather proud of the moment—grin tugging onto his lips. "My hands aren't where anyone's gonna see them, honey."

She didn't even have time to react to that before his fingers were toying with her and completely tugging her into an unmade mess. "Gale—" She mumbled out, a soft gasp escaping her lips. "You are incorrigible." Another unholy sound slipped from her mouth as his fingers moved just right —and then he was blushing wildly.

His hands slid out from beneath her skirt, landing on the grass they were sitting on. He let out a frustrated and heavy breath, resting his forehead against hers for a second. "We should check into the hotel," he murmured.


"We're not doing this in a park. Now come on." Kathryn's jaw dropped as he rose to his feet, taking her with him. He helped smooth out her skirt and took her hand in his, pressing a short kiss to it. " God, I love you ," Gale murmured out.

"Such a tease," Kathryn huffed, shaking her head endearingly at him. "If I had known this is what you were like, I would've–"

He spun around, hands tugging her hips close to his. "You would've what?"

"I would've just said to forget lunch."

At that, Gale grinned and swept her up in his arms—earning a laugh from Kathryn. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving ."


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