Deleted Scene: 1944, What Big Brothers Are Made Of

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Alternatively, the one where Bucky Egan is finally on good terms with his sister inside the Stalag. They've been talking for a week when some guard gets a little too handsy while he's on guard—and he's not having that kinda shit, not when that's his precious angel sister. Alternatively, the one where DeMarco and Brady have to ensure that John Egan doesn't get SHOT trying to protect Kathryn Egan. Oh, and she's not on speaking terms with one Gale Cleven quite yet.


A/N: This one has some TRIGGER warnings, so be aware of that. But keep sending me your thoughts and requests for things that you want to see! As wacky, spicy, angsty, or whatever you want! Also, let me hear your thoughts! I miss you guys and writing for Kath 😭 

Chapter Text

Kathryn's hands stung from the cold air and from the lack of skin and nail that covered her left hand. Just a few moments earlier, one of her nails had caught on the clothes that she had been washing and it had torn clean off—she had sucked in a curse and continued on with her work.

She knew well enough by now to know that any sort of stalling of work would result in more abuse. The dogs had nearly been sicced on her last time—and they were not as kind or as sweet as Meatball, she was certain of that. So here she was, painstakingly attempting to wash the blood down the trough in the frigid water.

It didn't make her feel any better—and she knew it was entirely likely that she would continue to lose nails. At least it wasn't toenails, that would have been much worse, or so she thought.

Briefly, she wondered if Beatrice had access to lotion—had access to showers. Had access to anything that would humanize her in a way that she, Annie, and Tina were not, because they had chosen their poison and now they were going to sit here and take it.

Staring at the grimy frigid water and the scarlet that stained it, Kathryn wanted to throw up. Truth be told though, she didn't have much of an appetite for that—and didn't have enough in her stomach to even throw anything up. It took another moment of meandering, taking her sweet time to make her way out of the bathrooms.

Just as she had crossed outside, Kathryn found the breath stolen from her lungs as she was pinned to the wooden building. Something dug into her back and she let out a strangled shriek—but the guard's hand was so meaty and she was just a thin, gaunt thing now. She no more had the strength to throw this man off of her than she had the ability to move the planets in the skies above.

His breath was foul and tears pricked in the corners of her eyes—with one hand securely against her throat and holding her in place, his other hand dug into her pants. His nails raked the sensitive portions of her body and she gave a choked scream, clawing at his arms with everything in her. There was a burning sensation down there—and then she didn't have time to process it because she was being bitten across the chest—

Something plowed into him and Kathryn dropped to the cold dirt, gasping for air and tears spilling from her eyes. Suddenly, there was shouting, there was chaos— and her eyes locked onto her big brother beating the guard .

Almost immediately, DeMarco and Brady had flanked him and were trying to pull him off of the guard, trying to ensure that another guard who was starting down the path to them would not shoot at them.

She found her footing in the situation almost immediately, blinking back her tears and shakily rising to her feet. "Bucky—Bucky—" But her voice trembling did little to quell the rage of a brother who had walked in on that particular violation. She caught at his arm as he moved to punch the guard again, eyes wide. "John!"

Bucky Egan softened ever so slightly at the sight of his sister, standing there like some sort of guiding beacon in all of the rage he was experiencing. He shoved away from the guard, gaze falling on DeMarco and Brady—who both immediately flanked around his sister as they walked off.

It was quiet for a long moment. And it wasn't until Kathryn was back in the bunkhouse that her brother even spoke—immediately taking a seat beside her and eyes searching over her. At the bruise on her throat—at the way that her shirt now had teeth marks—and the way she was sitting with her legs so tightly clenched together, he thought they might snap.

"I was gonna kill him," Bucky mumbled.

"I know," Kathryn said in a soft voice. She opened up her arms and immediately, her older brother was holding onto her like she was a lifeline. Once again, he couldn't help the fact that he was emotional about things—that he should have been comforting her, but here she was comforting him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"

"It's not your fault," Kathryn whispered back to him, pressing a kiss to his forehead for a change. "I'm okay."

"But you're not," Bucky murmured quietly. "You're not and I just want you to go home and be safe."

Kathryn placed her hands on her brother's shoulders firmly, looking him in the eye. "We go home together or not at all, Bucky. And you're not...failing me, or whatever other shit you think you are."


"You've always been my hero," Kathryn murmured softly. "And you always will be. But you can't always be there. No one can."

"But he—"

"I will heal. And one day, I'm going to forget about all of this," Kathryn promised him. "And you will too."

He wasn't so sure about that. "How can you not hate me?"

Kathryn just gave a half-cracked smile in his direction, leaning her head onto his shoulder. "Because you're the best person I know. And you've never given up on me. Or on us going home. Don't go anywhere, okay?"

"Well don't count on it."

Kathryn let out a deep sigh and she looked up at him. "Can you do me a favor, Johnny?"

"I'll try my best."

"Don't tell Buck?"

At that, Bucky Egan was completely and totally taken aback. "Wh—why wouldn't I tell him? I mean that guy was practically—"

"Because I may not be talking to him right now," Kathryn breathed out. "But I don't want him to hurt over what's happening to me. What's already happened."

Bucky took a solid minute to think it over, finally giving a defeated sigh. "He better get his head out of his ass. You're an angel and I still don't know if anyone quite deserves you."

She gave a small smile through the pain. "I love you too." 

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