Chapter 10

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A/N: A double update as promised and not a single brain cell is present hahahahah! As always, let me know what you think and enjoy the drama :)

The party was still in full swing till late in the night. Kathryn had stopped for a toast with her fellow nurses when Becky hurried over to her and whispered something in her ear. The message was simple enough—Poppy was having a rough night and was ready to go.

Kathryn promised that she'd be right back, then ducked into the bathroom to find Poppy crying near one of the sinks. "No, you're not supposed to be here!" Poppy exclaimed, dabbing at her eyes with a towel.

"Well Becky said you were upset."

"Yeah, but it's your birthday!" Poppy spluttered.

"Yes, but you're my friend," Kathryn offered Poppy a hand and Poppy just stared at her for a long minute. The simple fact of the matter was that Kathryn Egan was just so damn nice sometimes and it confused the hell out of Poppy.

Poppy finally took the hand, finding herself wrapped up in Kathryn's gentle embrace. "Wanna tell me why you're crying in the bathroom, honey?" Kathryn murmured into her ear.

The younger girl just sniffled. "Maybank was bein' mean. Said that I'm movin' on too fast and—and—"

"This is the one you broke up with earlier?"

Poppy just gave a nod. "That's the one!"

"Well he's a dick." Kathryn stated firmly, grabbing a towelette and beginning to dab at the makeup that was running down Poppy's cheeks. "And he doesn't deserve your tears."

"No, I guess not."

"No, definitely not," Kathryn insisted. She fished her Victory Red out of her bag and handed it over to Poppy. "Here, put this on and we'll go back out there."

Poppy fingered the lipstick for a moment, staring between the mirror and the bathroom door with a frown. "I don't know if I wanna go back out there."

"Okay then I'll walk you back to the bunkhouse—"

"Only if you come back!" Poppy insisted. "It's your party! And you were dancin' with Buck!"

Kathryn nearly rolled her eyes. "He's just a guy."

"Yeah, but he's Buck Cleven !" Poppy exclaimed. "He never dances!"

"Okay fine," Kathryn said, taking Poppy by the hand. "I will come back, if only so you can live vicariously through boring little me."

The two girls ducked through the crowd and out into the night air. August was warm, even in London. "I hope you know that I fully expect details when you get back tonight," Poppy said.

Kathryn just gave a slight laugh. "Well obviously."

"You know," Poppy started slowly and a bit unsurely. "You're nicer than I thought you'd be."

"How do you mean?" Kathryn questioned, gaze flickering to her friend in confusion.

"It's just that you're really pretty and most pretty girls aren't really all that nice. But you're just—you. And you're always nice. You're a real friend, Kitty Egan. And you don't judge me for how many men I've been messing around with."

Kathryn's gaze softened. "And I never will."

"See what I mean?"

"I guess I do," Kathryn said, helping the slightly tipsy girl over a dip in the path. Footsteps sounded behind them and Kathryn's gaze went wide at the sight of a man approaching them. "Can I help you, soldier?" She asked sharply.

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