Deleted Scene: Summer 1945, Promises Kept

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Alternatively, the one where newlywed Kathryn Cleven attempts to do her first batch of wash—unaware that Gale is READY and WAITING to take over for her. It's a chaotic, good-natured argument over laundry, which is the most domestic thing they've done in literal years. Alternatively, the one where Gale helps Kathryn remember a promise that he made while in the Stalag and she realizes that he really is just that pure of heart and completely serious about his promises. And that he absolutely loves her more than she could ever comprehend.


A/N: just a small little blurb for all of you to enjoy now that I'm finally done with my finals and I'm getting into the summer! As always, let me know what you think! Also, if you ever wanna chat or talk plot, please hit me up on Tumblr @luminouslywriting
Thank you!! Also stay tuned because Cruel Summer is almost finished and then my third MOTA fic will be out! WHOO!!

Chapter Text

Kathryn was entirely certain that the honeymoon phase could last forever for the two of them and neither one would be too cut up about that. But eventually, they would have to leave their bedroom, eventually they would have to actually go out and work and be productive members of society.

And eventually—being right now actually—they'd have to actually do laundry. As much fun as living in pajamas and silky lingerie was, it was not practical to be living in it all of the time. They had been putting off a lot of the house chores in favor of goofing off and enjoying one another's company, for lack of a clearer term.

Currently, Gale was working on the car that they had bought. It had gotten a flat tire the last time that they had gone out and luckily, Bucky had been around to come and bail them out. But now Gale was hard at work ensuring that the correct tire was on their car.

That gave Kathryn just enough time to do a load of wash and put it into their washing machine. Thank God for washing machines . If it had been like it was back over in Europe and when she had had to hand wash everything, Kathryn was absolutely certain she never would have done laundry again.

Picking out the dirty clothes from their hamper, Kathryn made her way down the stairs and began loading up the machine. She had no sooner placed all of the clothes inside and grabbed for the soap that the soap was snatched out of her hands.

She whirled around, finding Gale standing there with a certain expression on his face. It wasn't annoyance— rather, it was resignation . "Why am I not surprised?"

"I just wanna do the laundry," Kathryn retorted, grabbing for the soap.

"And I told you that I'd do it," Gale said in the same tone to her, holding the bottle of soap securely over her head.

"Seriously?" Kathryn demanded, hands straying to her hips as she gave a huff of slight annoyance. "I'm capable of doing the laundry."

"I know you are. You're also impatient," Gale said in a light teasing tone. "Besides, a promise is a promise. Don't go making me break the promise because you're impatient. What's a man if he doesn't keep his word?"

Kathryn just shook her head at him. "You spoil me, Gale Cleven."

"Damn straight," he said, gently moving her aside and pouring the soap inside. "And I'll be hanging them out to dry, too." He added in a pointed tone.

"How'd you even know that this is what I was doing?" Kathryn questioned, piquing an eyebrow at him.

"Because I know you and you asked about the laundry last night AND this morning. You Egan's are getting predictable."

"I'll have you know I'm a Cleven now, so I don't know what that says about you," Kathryn needled lightly.

"Well you'll need to learn your lesson, for one," Gale murmured, hands straying to her waist and bringing her in for a sweet kiss. The minute that their lips touched, blood went rushing to her head and Kathryn almost felt dizzy at the way that his hands were straying across her body—charting a map towards his favorite places once again.

"Oh and what's that?" Kathryn giggled against his lips, hands threading through his hair and massaging at his scalp. "You've been working hard. Shouldn't I be working hard too?"

"No," Gale nipped at her bottom lip, hands straying past her waist and kneading at the skin of her thighs. "You should be worshiped and treated like you're a goddess."

"Oh, is that so?" Kathryn found it hard to form words when his hands slipped under her dress—and suddenly she was a melting puddle on a hot summer's day.

"Yes," Gale murmured. "And the only hard work you should be doing is trying to remember how to form words."

"Gale!" Kathryn exclaimed, eyes going wide. "You—"

He swept her up into his arms and all arguments about the laundry were completely forgotten as they made their way upstairs. Needless to say, it was the most domestic thing they'd done—argued about the laundry and ended up in the bedroom. Yes, Kathryn decided, if this is what married life was like, then she'd very much be enjoying married life.

And as for Gale? Well he certainly intended to keep all of his promises. That night, Kathryn found a bottle of lotion waiting for her in the bathroom. And all she could do was grin like a schoolgirl finding love for the first time. Because when she was with Gale Cleven, everything just seemed to disappear and the only thing that mattered was them.

TimelessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora