Deleted Scene: 1943, In Sleep We Dream

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Alternatively, the one where Bucky Egan finds Kathryn and Buck asleep together outside on a Sunday evening—in a field—they've been missing for hours—and he decides to have a full-on Catholic panic about said events. Alternatively, the one where we get the origin of 'keep those hands where i can see them lol.'

A/N: As promised, the first of the one-shots is now out! I'll be trying to get you at least one a week :) So be on the lookout for that! Also, continue to send me requests and let me know what you want to see! This one is all goofy shenanigans, but there might be more angsty or spicy ones in the future haha! Thank you!

If Bucky Egan was under the impression that his saintly sweet sister dating his best friend Buck Cleven was a good idea, he was sadly mistaken. It had been one thing, the two of them dancing together occasionally and their little nightly walks and talks—

It had been quite another thing to be shaken awake in the early hours of morning by Curt Biddick, told that Buck had never come in the night before— and be very rudely concerned about said events. Because Buck was, if nothing else, a pencil-pushing, rule-keeping, brown-noser. For him to be out and about that late had his sister written all over it.

God , he just hoped he didn't find her all over BUCK. That would have been much worse. Still, Bucky got up in the early hours of morning, making his trek over to the nurses bunks. It could have been much more scandalous had Laura not been the one to answer the door, annoyance on her face.

"It is three in the shitting morning. What do you want?" Laura demanded, tiredly yawning as she stared him down.

"Kath come back last night?"

Laura glanced back at the beds, and then a slight frown crossed her features. "Well, no, but—"

"I'm gonna kill 'em."

"I really don't think—"

"No, first I'm gonna make them swear on the Bible and then I'm gonna make 'em be grounded. Unacceptable!" Bucky exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. Before Laura could even tell them that she knew exactly where they were, he was gone.

It took a whole hour for him to track down his missing jeep . The audacity of his sister and best friend to steal HIS jeep to do their dirty business. Disgusting.

Kathryn, on the other hand, was curled up nice and neat in the crook of Buck's arm. The fact of the matter was that in the late summer night and between their picnic and late-night discussions, she had nodded off.

Buck hadn't had the heart to wake her up or even carry her back to the jeep himself. He was going to wait for her to wake up and then remind her that they needed to get back before curfew—but then he guessed that he must've fallen asleep too. It's just that with her in his arms, he just felt much more at ease than anywhere else and she was just so cute laying there—

"Oh you've gotta be SHITTING me."

Kathryn had to blearily blink at the harsh sound in her ears. And then she was being tugged to her feet and giving a slight shriek of panic at the sight of her brother. "Bucky—" Oh God, they had totally fallen asleep the previous night. How long had they been out here for?!

Buck rubbed at his eyes, half-certain he was still asleep. But then Bucky was frowning and looking between the two of them as if they had just killed Meatball or something. "Bucky, maybe you ought to calm down—"

"Oh don't tell me what I need to do, Gale !" Bucky snapped. "I mean— a field, for God's sake ?!" He demanded, gesturing at the blanket they had been on.

"We didn't have sex!" Kathryn blurted, staring at him like he had just consumed some sort of drug or something. "What are you on about?"

"Oh please! Nobody has made more excuses about that kinda thing than Bucky Egan! I don't believe you two for one minute!" Bucky said, jabbing a finger in their direction wildly. "I'm so disappointed—I mean—"

"Bucky?" Buck started, an odd look of amusement crossing his features.

"What?!" He demanded.

"You really think that your sister and I would have our first time with one another in a field on an air base?"

Bucky's jaw dropped at the insinuation. "I don't need to think about anything! The evidence—"

"What evidence, you dumbass?" Kathryn questioned, crossing her arms. "Besides, even if we had , weren't you the one who told me to have sex with a nice man?"

The silence that followed was deafening and Buck couldn't help the laugh that a snicker slipped from his lips. Bucky just narrowed his gaze at the two of them. "I don't know what the hell any of this was, but it better not happen again."

"Yes, Major." Kathryn gave a mock-salute, rolling her eyes at him.

"I mean it! And you—" Bucky gestured at Buck. "You better keep those hands where I can see them from now on! You're both— such menaces !"

"Oh my—" Kathryn just threw up her hands in exasperation. "Are you giving us a lecture on morality when you've slept with more women than any other man we both know?"


"Well that's just a bit hypocritical, don't you think?" Buck questioned, finally rising to his feet and folding up the blanket.

Bucky's frown just deepened. "What were you two doing out here anyway?"

"Talking about the future," Kathryn gave a shrug. "All the mushy stuff you don't like to talk about."

"Like what will happen after the war, and what are plans are—" Buck said, a grin slipping onto his face. He put an arm around Kathryn, grinning at the discomfort on Bucky's face.

"Those plans better include me," Bucky huffed.

"Wouldn't dream of excluding you, Johnny." Kathryn said, patting his face affectionately. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go tell Poppy and Becky that I didn't cause a scandal. Thank you!" She turned and pressed a quick kiss to Buck's lips, and then ducked away before Bucky could comment on that.

Buck's cheeks were still burning slightly as she walked away. He turned, finding Bucky still mightily glaring at him. "You're gonna marry my sister, you dolt."

"I'm plannin' on it," Buck grinned. "Calm down a bit, yeah?"

"You really didn' know?" Bucky asked, concern still written on his face.

"Really, swear to God."

"Good, that's good," Bucky sighed out in relief. "You two are somethin' else."

"Why, because we're being romantic with one another?"

"Yeah. And because Curt thinks you two did it, which means it's gonna be all over the base by the time we get back."


"Shit is right." 

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