Chapter 54

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A/N: We've got TECHNICALLY 1 chapter/epilogue to go.....but worry not dear readers. Although the story technically finishes up next time, there's clearly a LOT of Cleven family that we didn't get. That being said, I'd love to write and post little one-shots or deleted scenes, things that weren't included! So that can be from at any point in the book! Starting with Thorpe Abbots, them dating, the POW Camp, the marches, post-war life, married life, parent life, etc. I am opening it up to requests from you dear readers! So let me know what you'd like to see in the comments and I will write and post the one-shot! Thank you!  Also, Happy Easter!

February 1956

Daisy made her way into the dining room, doll in hand. Just moments earlier, her mother had called for her to make her way down for dinner—she had been in the midst of playing an intense game with her doll (it was called house and she quite enjoyed it). Her sandy pigtails bobbed as she walked behind her brother's high-chair—and she pressed a messy kiss onto toddler Bucky's cheek.

He was fussing ever so slightly—probably at the sight of baby food from her father's spoon. "There, there, Bucky—soon you'll be eating real food and none of that yucky stuff!" Daisy promised in a chirpy tone.

"Go wash up, honey," Her father's voice entered her ears and Daisy turned, eyes landing on her dad.

Sometimes, she wondered if her dad was a prince and her momma was actually a princess—after all, her dad was handsome enough to be one and her momma had all of the grace and good looks of a princess.

"Yes, daddy!" Daisy ran into the kitchen, pulling herself up so she could wash her hands in the sink.

Just as she was reaching for the soap that was out of reach, it was snatched and poured onto her hands. Daisy glanced to the side, finding her mother standing there with a grin on her face. "Did you save the children from the orphanage this time?" Kathryn questioned.

"Yes, momma! There was a fire and everything! But I saved the babies!" Daisy exclaimed, rubbing her hands together under the warm water.

Kathryn leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the top of her daughter's head, soft smile crossing her features. "You've got your uncle's imagination. I'm sure Bucky will be excited to start playing with you."

Daisy made a face. "But he's a boy. He won't like playing house."

"He might. Your daddy does," Kathryn said pointedly, turning off the water and handing Daisy a towel to dry her hands.

"Well that's because you and daddy are in love !" Daisy exclaimed.

Kathryn almost laughed at Daisy—it was hard to believe that Daisy would be turning eight in a few months. She was growing up before their eyes—and soon she'd be a big sister again. Bucky was almost two and it had been an even harder pregnancy than Daisy's, but he was well-worth the struggle.

"Go on and sit down. I'll bring dinner in," Kathryn insisted.

"Yes, mama!"

Daisy made her way out to the dining room table, finding Bucky nearly falling asleep in his high-chair. She gave a frown at that and shook her head—his thumb was in his mouth again. "I never sucked my thumb, did I daddy?"

Gale's gaze shifted onto his daughter. So precocious and talkative—she was all him in looks and all Kathryn and Bucky in temperament. But he was wrapped around her finger and totally at her mercy half of the time. Just two weeks previous, Daisy had gotten in trouble for talking at school and she had somehow talked him out of a lecture and into getting ice cream instead of telling Kathryn immediately.

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