"You could have helped by staying outside!" The burly man growled.

"What did he say?" François asked.

"He's pissed that we go into the room."

"Bastard!" François gasped.

"No, Alex, it's alright. These gentlemen saved me, the least I can do is extend some security to them." Senator Cartwright interrupted, gently moving aside the security guard checking him for wounds. "I think the shooting has stopped, now we just have to go out and check if the police have the area." The quintet made of Remy, François, Senator Cartwright, and his two bodyguards formed up at the door, with Remy and one guard taking the lead, the senator and François behind them, and Alex the security guard taking the rear.

François watched as Remy and the other guard opened the door and scanned the area before waving the rest of the group out. The backstage area looked like a tornado had hit it, with nothing in its proper place or orientation. Tables had been flipped, studio equipment knocked over, and broken bulbs made perilous pitches of broken glass on the grounds. François nervously shuffled behind Remy, holding the back of his friend's shirt like a child. When they got to the lobby, police were thankfully all around, and Senator Cartwright spoke up first.

"Gentlemen, thank you for your service. I trust you've caught the fugitives?"

"No, sir, they're still at large inside this building. We were able to clear out all civilians from the building, thankfully it was already mostly vacated for the debate tonight." A hefty man with a bristling mustache and a police uniform spoke to the Senator. "I need you and your group to exit the building as quickly as possible."

"Right, thank you so much!" The senator shook hands with the officer and turned. Remy did too and François followed.

"What's happening?" François asked Remy.

"We're finally going to go home." He explained.

François felt a rush of accomplishment and success that he believed all heroes must have felt when they completed a job well done.

I wonder how Superman celebrates? Ah, with Lois Lane, of course! And soon, Élisabeth will see the news and—

"Senator Cartwright, just a moment." A new voice called out from behind them. They all stopped and turned. Approaching them was a very plain-looking man with golden hair in a black suit.

"Yes?" Daniel asked.

"I'm John Smith with the FBI, I'm afraid I'll need to hold your French companions for questioning." The man said, holding up an official-looking badge.

"On what grounds?" The senator asked.

"What the hell do you mean?" Remy demanded, getting into the agent's face, even though the Man in Black stood a good inch or two taller than Remy.

"Remy? What's going on?" François asked in French.

"This son of bitch says he has to hold us for questioning." Remy answered.

"Questioning about what!?" François asked, "We're heroes!"

"Calmez-vous," the Man in Black said in perfect French, his voice steady and measured, though firm. "The assassin that tried to kill the Senator turned out to be the mail bomber as well, I'd just like to know more about your interaction with him." The Man in Black continued.

"Oh, well, that shouldn't be a problem! Right, Remy? It's the duty of heroes to cooperate with law enforcement, you know?" François said, gently pulling his friend away from the stranger.

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