Mini Story - Pet Name

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That calm afternoon, Mephiles was reviewing some papers rhat contains information of his next targets. There were quite a few pages and he's actually starting to feel a little tired from reading them. He was sitting on the couch surrounded with his old friends who were helping to organize the target reports.

His ears perked when he heard the sounds of footsteps coming from the stairs, he saw his boyfriend who looked so cheerful about something.

"Daddy! Look at this cute new outfits I saw online!" Silver jumped to his lap and showed him his phone screen.

"Aw that is cute. You should buy it." He said while stroking the albino's long quills.

His eyes darted up to his friends, who seemed to pay no mind to the couple but were visibly blushing.

"Do you guys mind?"

Everyone raised their heads up and desperately tried to tell Mephiles that they're not.

Mephiles then stared at his boyfriend again and lifted his chin up so he'd stop staring at his phone and looked at him instead.

"Baby, have you ever thought of changing back to calling me by my old pet name again?"

"Hm?" Silver tilted his head confusingly, "why? I love calling you daddy." He smiled and rested his head on Mephiles' shoulder while purring. "I'm used to it now!" He giggled.

" sure?"

"Mhm!" Silver nodded.

Mephiles shifted his gaze to his friends again who still kept trying not to look at their boss and his boyfriend.

"What do you guys think?"

"HUH." Almost all of them gasped at the same time and stared at Mephiles in surprise.

Mephiles didn't want to repeat himself and just waited for one or two of them to answer his question. Meanwhile, Silver was already back to scrolling on his phone.

The others nudged at this one guy to give Mephiles an answer, they were whispering and mumbling something loudly and urged one of them to just speak up.

"Uuhhh...maybe...go with what makes you comfortable?"

"Be honest." Mephiles retorted.

They still weren't sure why they had to be in the middle of their name-decision problem.

"Your- your old pet name is better? I- I guess?" The other answered cautiously.

Mephiles gazed at his boyfriend once again, "maybe you should call me Mephy again."

Silver looked confused, "but why?"

"It sounded better and cuter."

The albino hedgehog blushed, he smiled shyly and nodded his head. "Well...okay. I'll do that if you kiss me."

"Of course." Mephiles chuckled and kissed his lips. He pulled away seconds later, "was that okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." Silver chuckled back and kissed his muzzle.

"Alright, doll. Why don't you head upstairs and buy that outfit you wanted? I'm gonna head out soon."

"Okay." He kissed him again. "I'll see you tonight, Mephy." Silver smiled and hopped off from his lap to go upstairs.

Mephiles stared at his friends again before getting up from the couch, "okay you can breathe now, you don't have to be so tense when Silver's here." He said and everyone started gasping for air.


Bye bye daddy-

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