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Tehran, Iran

The man collected his thoughts. Bringing the events of the evening into his mind where he began picking through and arranging them into an order which allowed description of the project. Description but not divulgence. He didn't enjoy being deceitful, or being less than plain with those he worked with, but when working as a person in-between two countries, it became necessary to be so, simply to get the most basic of practices out of the way.

"So, perhaps to recap just a bit, Sara returned after calling, bringing food, and I was hungry. When the front door of the library is opened, after hours when all of the doors and windows have been closed, this building has changing air pressure. When the door is opened, you can tell because the windows rattle slightly as the pressure shifts. "

The man paused, offering a chance for questions. The cleric continued listening, and slipped his coffee. The man sipped his own — it was strong and thick and bitter, but it also fired all of his neurological paths. "After a couple of minutes however, I felt the air-pressure shift again, signaling that the door had been opened again."

He adjusted his position in the desk chair, "Earlier, a few hours, just after everyone else had left for the day, I explored the local cyberscape. I discovered the security cameras, the lighting systems, the PA and the secondary sound system. I gained access to each of these, without a reason, just doing what I do."

Leaning forward he took two of the packs of sugar and emptied them into his coffee. Then he added a dollop of cream. Stirring carefully so that the spoon didn't clink on the sides of the delicate china cup, he continued. "Using these as a means of defense wasn't in my head until I saw those five men on the security camera. When Sara shouted a warning and went active-shooter, firing several rounds out there where I couldn't see her. Then she rushed inside. That's when I loaded up Engel, and set the PA speakers on stun."

"Engel?" the cleric asked.

"That was the title of the song I played. I set it at 110 dB. I can tell you from experience, that it was loud enough for my purpose."

"Which was...?"

"Confusion to the enemy."

"A worthy purpose. Now, you had guns?"

"Gun. Singular." he corrected.

"Would you mind surrendering it until later this afternoon. I will put it through ballistics and then restore it to you."

"I don't mind," he said, and reached for and pulled toward him the older, thicker laptop. Turning it over, the broken part now displayed the handle of the 9mm. He pulled out the weapon, removed the clip and ejected the round in the chamber. With the slide exposed he set the weapon on the desk In front of the cleric.

"Thank you. Anything else to add?"

"Yes. Because of Sara's quick and decisive action, the intruders never got into this office area. They never became an actual threat."

"I will be sure to let her commanding officer know. How is the meal?"

"It was good. My only complaint is there is not more."

From the office door, Sara poked her head around the door edge and said, "Am I too late?"

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