31) I'm Not Late, You Are

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A/N: definitely didn't forget to upload this lmao

Nico sat half asleep at Reyna's kitchen table while how phone wouldn't stop buzzing.

"Are you gonna pick that up, or just let it keep buzzing endlessly?" Leo asked from his spot next to the Italian, also half asleep.

Nico just groaned, too tired to actually respond.

Percy yawned as he lifted his head from the table. "Can't you at least mute it? I'm trying to sleep over here."

Annabeth scoffed and swatted the back of his head. "We're supposed to be talking Seaweed Brain, not sleeping."

Nico lifted his forehead off of the table and glared at Annabeth. "Why did it have to be at 6 am? It's summer. Aren't you supposed to sleep in during the summer?"

Reyna scoffed as she sat down at the table, putting a bowl of hash browns in the center of the table. "You three would never survive in the legion."

"I used to be a Praetor, in case you forgot," Percy grumbled as he scooped the potatoes onto his plate.

Frank set down a tray of breakfast burritos before also taking his place at the table. "And there is a reason that you gave it up as soon as you could."

Hazel patted Nico's head. "Sorry that it's so early, but I have to lead the cohort in training at 7, so we dint have a lot of options."

Nico sighed before grabbing a burrito and groaning. His phone, that had momentarily stopped buzzing, began once again.

Leo finally lifted his head, glaring at Nico. "For the love of the gods, make it stop."

Jason laughed. "Not his fault his loyal fans harass him at all hours."

Rachel snorted. "They are still circulating the photos of you, Garfield Logan, and Queen Perdita. By the way, how the hell do you know them?"

Nico just grabbed his phone off the table and shrugged. "I know a lot of people, but that's not important right now."

Will nodded. "You're right. What's important is that we actually talk about this. I still think it's a stupid plan. The League exists for a reason. Let them deal with this stuff."

"Will, we've been over this. The League can't go in without plausible suspicion, but by the time they get it, it's too late," Nico said as he looked at his boyfriend. He knew Will was just trying to protect him, but he was tired of having the same conversations. "Plus, Luthor just got named Secretary-General of the UN. He is going to put more and more restrictions on the League until they can't do anything without UN approval."

Kayla blinked at Nico in confusion. "Who?"

Nico groaned, laying his head back on the table. He never thought he would see the day where he knew more about what was going on in current events than the others.

Thankfully, Piper took over. "Lex Luthor. He's some Metropolis big shot. He has a very public dislike for the League, but somehow manages to charm the press into being on his side. He's a master manipulator and scary smart."

Calypso nodded. "I've been looking into him for Nico, and everything is pretty bad. He's one of Superman's biggest enemies. He's been in the background of too many things not to be considered a massive threat."

"Do we think he's part of the meta trafficking rings?" Reyna asked.

Everyone looked to Nico to respond and he really began to loath being in a group. Sure, he was glad that they were working together, but he really hated being the one in charge.

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