2) *Tubthumping by Chumbawamba Plays in Background*

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A/N: starting off strong with a long chapter. 

"Nico, I know you don't want to see anyone, but can Will please-"

"No," Nico said, not moving from his position in bed to even glance in Kayla's direction.

The girl sighed, walking up to the bed and pulling the covers off him. "Fine, but just know that he's a hell of a lot nicer than I am with patients."

Nico sat up, glaring at the girl. "What the fuck?"

Kayla walked over to the corner of the room and grabbed a walker, setting it in front of Nico's infirmary bed. "You're getting up and walking a lap around the infirmary."

Nico glared at the girl. "I can't walk."

Kayla rolled her eyes and grabbed the collar of his shirt, making him sit up fully. "Then you're gonna hop around the infirmary. Your body needs to learn how to balance without a leg and you can't do that when you're lying in bed all day. There are no other patients here right now and Austin took Will to the Pavilion for dinner, so it's just us."

Nico finally got her to let go of his shirt collar. "What's the point, it's not like it'll matter in a few months when a hellhound kills me." He tried to lay back down, but Kayla grabbed him by the arm pits and ripped him off the bed. He barely caught himself on the walker before he could completely fall. "What the hell!"

Kayla blocked his path back to the bed. "You are not dying by hellhound, especially not in a few months."

Nico glared at her. "I can't fight, so unless I spend the rest of my life within the boarders, then I'm dead."

Kayla began pushing him, forcing him to use the walker to move. "You're right, you can't fight right now, but that's why we're doing this. First you lean to balance, and then you move to crutches, and then Leo slaps a robot leg on you and you're walking."

If the walker weren't supporting him, he would have thrown it at her. Instead he turned to face her. "That doesn't change shit. I'm a child of a big three— monsters are gonna find me-"

"Oh my gods," Kayla yelled as she shoved his shoulders. "Stop bitching and start moving!"

"Would you stop hitting me!"

Kayla shoved him again. "If you want someone to hold your hand, then talk to Will. I'm more partial to beating the shit out of you until you figure out how to fight back."

Nico was furious, but he couldn't deny that she was right. He couldn't fight back— but fuckin hell if he wasn't motivated to get stronger just to be able to beat the shit out of her.

"I'm gonna kick your ass one day," he said through grit teeth.

She laughed. "I'll believe it when I see it Stumpy."

Nico tried to glare at her, but he couldn't help the choked laugh that came out. "Stumpy?"

It was quiet for a moment before the two began to laugh, a weight lifting off of Nico as he did. The anger that had been boiling inside of him every moment since he woke up began to fade slightly.

Kayla just shrugged. "I figured you could be Stumpy and I'll be Bitchy."

"I can't say that they are aren't accurate." Nico chuckled, slowly figuring out how to move with the walker as he did so. "Will can be Sunny, but I don't know what Leo will be— we already call Jason 'Sparky' and 'Flamey' just doesn't flow the same."

Kayla smiled as she followed behind him, arms ready in case he fell. "So you're willing to actually see Will and Leo?"

Nico was quiet for a moment, focusing on his movements until Kayla poked him in the side. "Jeez, you really are Bitchy," he muttered.

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