8) New Leg Just Dropped

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A/N: As promised, the leg design I made^. I'm, once again, pretty proud. Also, the Canary analysis part isn't super important rn since I originally intended to release this drawing later. Also, if you never watched Young Justice, you can ignore the rest of this a/n, but if you did then I am moving into the post season 2, pre season 3 team set up.

Nico crossed his arms as he had a stare down with Bruce.

"I'm going."


"No," Nico said, cutting his dad off. "I've been home for a week and a half and all I've been able to do is wander around the manor. I get that the media is going crazy right now about me being gone for so long, but I am dying. I am trapped in a house with nothing to do. You won't let me spar, you won't let me leave, and if I have to spend one more day just reading in the library, I'm gonna burn it down"

Bruce let out a sigh. "We need to be smart about how we tell everyone you are back-"

Nico rolled his eyes. "Cool, good thing no one from the media will be at the mountain."

"You need to take more time off. Being a vigilante is what started this whole thing."

"Then I'll go in civies. It's not like they don't know who I am already." Nico stared Bruce down, unwilling to let the man win the argument.

Tim piped up from his spot at the batcomputer. "Come on Bruce, you know he's gonna win. Plus, the team still doesn't know he's back. They deserve to know."

Bruce ran a hand down his face. "Fine, but remember, you aren't ditching the cane. Also, there are some new members, so they know about you, but not about the rest of us."

Nico smiled and turned to Tim. "I'm ready when you are."

Tim finished typing and spun in the chair before hoping out. "Let's do this."

The two boys walked over to the zeta tube and the next thing he knew, he was in the hanger of Mount Justice. Immediately they watched as Black Canary took down Impulse on the holo-training pad.

Instantly all eyes were on the duo.

"Guess who didn't stay dead," Nico said with a smirk.

Everyone immediately forgot about training and swarmed Nico as they began asking questions all at once.

"Guys!" Tim yelled, silencing the crowd of excited teens. "First things first, we have some new teammates to introduce."

The swarming team moved aside to reveal three teens that were still standing by Canary, all looking a varying level of confused.

"Nico, this is Static, or Virgil, he's a meta human. He's one of the teens that the Reach abducted a while back and is now the protege to Black Lightning. This is Arrowette, or Cissie. She is Green Arrow's new protege. And this is Thirteen, or Traci. She's the daughter of Meihui Lan, the sorceress, and protege of Zatana."

Nico shook their hands, Bart gasping quietly about him initiating physical touch. "It's nice to meet you all. I'm Nico, formerly known as Ghost King."

"Wait, formerly?" Artemis asked, seeming concerned as she eyed his cane.

Nico chuckled lightly. "B wants to keep me benched, but I give it a few weeks tops."

Cassie stared at him. "You look familiar, and I feel like I've seen your face before."

Nico rubbed the back of his neck. "I've kinda been all over the media recently. Turns out as a son of Bruce Wayne, you can't just disappear for three months without a really good explanation."

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