12) Viral Videos and Teenage Angst

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A/N: Hey! so sorry for not posting last night! I have been sick all week and forgot that I didn't have a pre-set chapter for today

-Jason POV-

Jason watched as Nico laid on the ground of the library, groaning about how unfair life was.

"Nico, you'll be fine," he said, continuing to read his book.

"No, I'm gonna die... again."

Damian rolled his eyes. "You seem to have acquired Dick's dramatic tendencies. It's just school."

Nico sat up and glared at the duo. "No, it's school after revealing that I have a fake leg in a video that has 14 million views, after being gone for months."

Tim walked into the library. "It's actually at 15 million views as of this morning. Who would have thought your reappearance would go viral."

Nico laid back down, groaning again as Jason laughed.

"You'll be fine, Urchin," Jason said, leaning down to pat Nico's head (he ended up patting his face, but same diff). "You're the one that's been swearing that you're fine and can go back to normal activities."

Nico glared up at him. "I meant working with the team and going on patrol. I didn't mean getting swarmed by teens at school who want to ask about my boyfriend or leg or whatever. People stared at me before the interview, but now I won't be able to escape."

Tim sat in a chair and laughed. "Yeah, people kept asking me about you at school today, but at least you only go on Fridays."

Nico glared at him. "Tomorrow is Friday."

Jason shook his head as he turned the page of his book. "At least Bruce said you could go to the mountain on Saturday."

Nico stood up from the floor and moved to the empty couch across from Jason and Damian. "Oh please, we all knew I was gonna go either way."

"At lease you get to see VH again?" Tim tried.

Nico nodded slightly. "That is true... but why can't I just see him and then leave."

Jason chuckled. "I don't think Bruce is gonna go for that, though he did get you out of a lot of the school work you missed."

Nico sighed. "Yeah yeah, I know. If anyone asks, I say I went to school with Hazel while in California."

Tim let out a chuckle. "If it makes you feel better, Cassie, Bart, and Kon are excited for you to be back. Plus, we can act as human shields."

"I will hold you to that," Nico grumbled.


-Alfred POV-

Alfred drove while Nico sat in the passenger seat, Damian, Tim, and the others all chatting together in the back before he slowed the car and came to a stop in front of the school. The others all filed out but Nico didn't move, just staring at his hands.

"Master Nico, it's time to get out of the car," Alfred said, glancing at the boy.

Nico looked to the older man, anxiety written all over his face. "I... I don't think I can."

Alfred looked at the young boy and couldn't help but see a young Bruce. After the death of his parents, Bruce had been terrified to return to school. The boy had begged him to not make him go.

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