The Blood

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I couldn't sleep after everything that was said, I was stuck in my thoughts. Thinking about everything that could possibly happen.

Deep down, I knew that all the seals would be broken and the devil himself would be free.

Which led me to start thinking about why I was even here in the first place. Why must I be a part of the end of the world?

I lay awake through the night, waiting for an appropriate time to 'wake up'. After Dean fell asleep and Sam started to stir, I decided to get up and get dressed for the next job.

Once I was done, I grabbed a book from my bag and began to read, only a few minutes before Sam woke.

We made eye contact as he got up and went into the bathroom, letting me continue reading.

I heard the shower start and he left the bathroom half an hour later.

He made some coffee and offered me some, which I gladly took.

Dean woke up after Sam sat down with his coffee. He woke up with a gasp and looked over into the kitchen where Castiel stood last night.

Sam started to put on his flannel before he chuckled at Dean's exhausted state. "You all right?"

"What's wrong, Dean?" Sam asked after noticing Dean wasn't acting like himself.

I closed my book, awaiting his response, "So..." Dean cleared his throat before he continued.

"You got no problem believing in... God and angels?"

Sam finished buttoning his flannel before he fixed his hair and responded, "No, not really."

"So I guess that means that you believe in the devil." Dean assumes.

Sam's eyes flicker up to meet mine, making me look to the floor, before focusing on the cup of coffee in my hands.

"Why are you asking me all of this?"

Dean shook his head before getting up after a minute and making his way into the bathroom.

We decided to leave and head for a hotel to stay in for the day. Sam and Dean pack their stuff and throw it into the Impala.

I gather my things, before throwing my bag into the backseat of my car.

I grab my keys from on top of a pipe on the underside of my car and hop in.

"Hey, girl." I hummed in a honeyed voice as my palm traced the steering wheel. I stuck my keys into the ignition and turned them with a hopeful look on my face.

The engine hummed for a second before it turned into squealing and then into a roar.

I cheered for a moment before placing my car into drive and pushing on the gas, the car moving at its smooth pace.

Sam and Dean took off ahead of me, giving me the name of the hotel before they got into the Impala.

I opened my computer and typed in the location before following the directions.

I arrived a few seconds after the boys, who were already grabbing their bags out of the car.

I hopped out and did the same, checking into the room next to them.

I placed my things into the room and headed into Sam and Dean's.

We hung out for a few hours before it got too late for all of us.

I went back to my room and fell asleep as soon as I sat on the bed.

I woke up at around 8 according to my alarm, which I quickly turned off due to the yelling coming from Sam and Dean's room.

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