Bedtime Stories

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About a week after the demon case they left again.

They drove to Maple Springs, New York.

They were at a hospital, likely asking the coroner or doctor about the case.

Just like I did last time, I looked up the newspaper for Maple Springs and found a vicious 'dog' attack, that had apparently "Ripped its victims apart with brute-like ferocity."

The coroner's report stated part of their kidneys, liver, and intestines were missing.

So I proceed to drive those 4 hours to their location. Once I got into Maple Springs I pulled up their location again on my computer and saw they were at the library.

After half an hour I arrived and decided to wait outside the place.

I decided instead of waiting in my car, I would wait outside on a park bench to get some sunlight.

I had seen Sam on a park bench the moment I pulled up, reading a book to be exact.

So, to avoid him, I took a seat on the bench almost hidden by trees and pulled a hood over my head.

I wasn't sure where Dean was until Sam looked at the library, and I started to stare at the library door without really realizing it.

Dean eventually walked out causing Sam to close his book and stand up.

Dean found his way to Sam and chatted as they walked along the park's sidewalk.

I watch the two walk, waiting until I'm far enough behind to not be seen but close enough to hear their mumbled chatter.

The boys suddenly stopped, staring down at the ground.

I made my advance, stepping closer to them to hear what they were speaking about.

"Yeah, you're right. That's completely normal," Sam spoke, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

"All right, maybe it is fairy tales... totally messed up fairy tales. I'll tell you one thing. There's no way I'm kissing a damn frog." Dean pointed out.

I quirked an eyebrow. A frog?

I loved frogs. Especially the chubby ones that stick their legs straight down when you hold them up.

"Hey, check that out," Sam raised his arm, pointing at a house in front of him.

I couldn't exactly see the house but I could see enough to know which house it was.

"Yeah, it's close to Halloween." Dean examines the house.

"You remember Cinderella?" Sam questions, "The pumpkin that turns into a coach and the mice that become horses."

Dean slowly pans his head over to Sam, "Dude, could you be more gay?"

Sam glances over a Dean, causing Dean to turn away, "Don't answer that."

The two begin to discuss their plan, allowing me to slink into the brush beside me.

As if on cue, the two turn around and walk the path I had just been on.

They walk back to the Impala as I follow. They drive over to in front of the house and rummage through their trunk, grabbing out guns.

The pair walk over to the house, silently picking the lock. Not even knocking, I mean, someone could have been home.

I decided against my idea of spying on the house they were in, not taking the risk of getting seen.

I walk back to my car and watch the computer like a hawk.

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