Red Sky at Morning

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I wake up to the sound of my tracker's alarm ringing, indicating they're moving.

I quickly sit up, pack all of my things, and throw them into the duffle bag. I throw it over my shoulder and head for the door.

The moment I grasp the handle a high-pitched ringing sounds in my ears, then images flash within my eyes.

My knees buckle and my hands fly to my head, gripping my nose bridge in an attempt to relieve the pain.

An image of a wrinkly-looking hand flashes through my eyes, and then a woman who held it in her hands with a smirk, flashes.

Then another image of what looks like a mansion, but the kind that's so big that people hold banquets in them.

The last image shows the two brothers in suits, talking with the woman from the other image and another older woman.

The ringing and images dissipate, leaving me to listen only to the eerie silence of the hotel. I slowly bring myself to stand back up, careful to avoid making the pounding pain in my head any worse.

I dabble on the images, as I walk out and into my car, following their location.

I finally arrived at their car after driving for 3 hours, which was being towed right as I got there.

Nearby was a woman, specifically the one from my vision, watching the Impala rise on the truck with a smirk on her face.

I decided to park behind a big truck so if they looked this way, they wouldn't see my car.

I roll down my window to hear the outside better in case I don't see the boys right away.

I open my computer and pull up the Impala's location, in case someone stole it from the junkyard, I could always get it back.

"This is where we parked the car right?" I hear Dean speak and I quickly look to where they are standing.

I stifle back a giggle knowing that the car was towed by some girl.

"I thought so," Sam adds in a confused tone as he starts looking around.

"Where's my car??" Dean asks looking just about everywhere while starting to breathe heavily.

"Did you feed the meter?" Sam asks.

"Yes, I fed the meter. Sam, where's my car?!" Dean asks starting to get worried about his precious car.

"Somebody STOLE MY CAR!!" Dean starts to yell as he walks into the middle of the road.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down." Sam tries to calm him.

"I AM CALMED DOWN, somebody stole my..." He starts to anger but then puts his hands on his knees and starts to gasp for air.

Sam looks back at Dean who is still breathing heavily, "Whoa, Dean, hey, hey, hey" he runs over and stands him up.

The girl from my vision suddenly comes into view, "The 67' Impala? Was that yours?" She asks with a smirk.

"Bella," Sam states with a fed-up tone.

I grab out my notepad, scribbling her name on the last page I had written on.

"I'm sorry, I had that car towed." She states calmly.

"You what?" Dean asks in disbelief.

"Well, It was in a tow-away zone" She states, which it definitely wasn't.

Sounds like the boys have a grudge against this woman. Now, this is useful information. I quickly jot down the word 'enemy' next to her name.

"It was when I finished with it." She says in a lower voice.

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