Chapter 20 - Company Saved

Start from the beginning

Ornn: I have. Freljord cities exist after they put down weapons, even my own weapons, to pick up books. It was heartbreaking to see the wars end, but looking back... *Incoherent Russian noises* 

Y/N: I do not speak Russian, I apologize. 

Ornn: I am in agreement; I am in full support of this new structure. 

???: Same here! I got some shares with Riot Records, here! The world needs voices. 

Y/N: Amen to that! 

???: I like your funny words, magic man! 

Y/N: Alright! 

???: Bet! 

I leave my chair and stand back at the front of the room.

Y/N: I'm happy you all understand what direction we're trying to take this company in. Although it seems vague, albeit... like it always has, from now on, it's going to be my mission to provide more specifics other than... ohhh... "company wellness", "external affairs".

Jayce: With Y/N as the new COO, he'll try and get closer to the personal, easier to understand words we all know and love. Sometimes you need an insurgent to knock you straight, right? 

They all poshly laugh and I'm just there smirking, nodding my head. 

Y/N: It is still the... monthly meeting, right? Is everyone okay with this? 

They all nod. I nod back. After that conference, meeting, thing... Jayce and I head back up to the executive floor. He gives me a big slap on the shoulders shaking me around as we walk back into the lounge. 

Jayce: How the fuck do you do that?! Even when I was younger, I had no mouth like that!

Y/N: Man, I got the charm, what can I say? 

Jayce: How can one man just save my entire company from falling into the ground? 

Y/N: Hey, that's why you gotta be careful running a corporation with your best friend. 

Jayce: Ahhh... yeah, it sucks. I was friends with Viktor for such a long time. It was crazy when he told me that he was involved in it, like he couldn't hold it in anymore. All the trust, the brotherhood we had just... whoosh... out the window. 

Y/N: Yeah, I feel like I'm gonna run into that problem too.

Jayce: It's not with Ezreal, is it? 

Y/N: Nope, we're right as rain, it's this one guy I know going after the busker chick I like. 

Jayce: The bum?

Y/N: Hey-

Jayce: I'm kidding! I saw her make the featured tab on YouTube. Seraphine, right? She's got a hell of a voice, hell of a following too, even got fan clubs holding up signs outside the middle schools too. 

Y/N: You got kids? 

Jayce: What? Nah, I have to pass by them to get out of the suburbs. 

Y/N: Ah, okay. Well, what's next for now? 

Jayce: Now you can get settled into your new office and go about helping Mundo with the applications if he needs it. 

Y/N: Got it. 

Jayce: You and I run this company now, and you'll notice the work gets considerably lighter this high-up on the food chain. Don't let it get to your head though, it can get rough. 

Y/N: Got it. 

Jayce: You're under your own power now, enjoy it. 

Y/N: Thanks... 

That One Barista (K/DA Seraphine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now