4.*unholy *

543 22 8

I know the story must be a little boring but it will be interesting from her because my story contains office rom-com + marriage Romance.

The kings glance.....
On the queen
Eyes are longing for heaven

The hands covers the shyness
The evening is astounding 💕
The evening is astounding......


"12 years now. Will I ever be able to break free from these four walls? Will I ever see the outside world?

Will I be able to go to the park with Mom and Dad again?

It's been 12 years today living within these four walls. Now, I yearn even to see the sunlight.

Ever since I've been here, all I remember is i was in the middle of fire and someone was trying to save me, and darkness engulfed my eyes, and that darkness still lingers in my eyes.

Mom and Dad haven't come to see me even once. Do they not love me?"

The voice of the same man echoed, "le khaa le." And it's the same tasteless food every day, but I can't refuse it because if I don't eat, they'll beat me.

Two people come every evening and beat me mercilessly with a belt until I lose consciousness, and then in the morning, they apply medicine to the same wounds to ensure I don't die.

Will anyone ever get me out of here? I'm tired of living within these four walls every day. It's suffocating here.

"Tears filled my eyes, but now even my tears don't stay with me for long. So what hope should I hold onto from others to come and rescue me from this prison?

I, too, will see the world again like others, witness the sparkle of the sun, admire the beauty of the moon, listen to the chirping of birds, and eat my favorite ice cream with Mom and Dad.

I looked up from my empty plate, ready to eat, when the door opened, and there stood the same two men, holding belts in their hands, with smirks on their faces.

I started to step back out of fear. These people will beat me as they always do, and I will feel pain. Even though it's become a routine for me every day, they still inflict pain, and when I scream, they beat me even more.

They approach me, and my entire body is covered in sweat. My eyes widen with fear, anticipating the pain once again."

" Kyu re, maadharchod ki aulaad " the man holding the belt said, looking at me with evilness on his face.

"Saale tere kaaran late ho raha hai," another man said.

My eyes filled with terror as they came towards me. "Ple...ase, a..aj n..ah..I," I tried to say, stuttering, but they laughed at my struggle.

"Look at this bastard, can't even speak properly," the man said to the other, laughing aloud.

Before I could comprehend anything, they started whipping me with the belt. I shut my lips together to not scream, otherwise, they would beat me more. My forehead was full of sweat beads, and my hands were clenched together to suppress any sound.

"Ple..." I couldn't complete my sentence as they kicked me in the stomach. I clutched my stomach due to the sudden pain.

"Because of you, we have to suffer," he said as I looked at them with a confused face. My whole body was aching with pain, and the kick was really painful.

His burning desire Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora