Chapter 3: Her True Self

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Scene 1: Han Se-gye's Identity Crisis

Description: Han Se-gye grapples with an identity crisis as her transformations intensify. She struggles to maintain a sense of self amidst the constant changes, questioning who she truly is.


Han Se-gye: "I don't know who I am anymore. Am I the person in the mirror or the one I see in my dreams?"

Yoo Woo-mi: "Your true self is more than just appearances, Se-gye. It's the strength and resilience within."

Scene 2: Seo Do-jae's Curiosity

Description: Seo Do-jae becomes increasingly curious about Han Se-gye's mysterious condition. He begins to investigate, determined to uncover the truth behind her transformations..


Seo Do-jae: "There's something intriguing about Han Se-gye. I need to find out more about her."

Kang Sa-ra: "Be careful, brother. Some secrets are meant to stay hidden."

Scene 3: Yoo Woo-mi's Support

Description: Yoo Woo-mi continues to offer her unwavering support to Han Se-gye as she navigates the challenges of her condition. She remains by her side, providing comfort and encouragement.


Yoo Woo-mi: "You're not alone, Se-gye. We'll find a way to manage this together."

Han Se-gye: "Thank you, Woo-mi. Your friendship means the world to me."

Yoo Woo-mi: "We'll face this together, one step at a time."

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