Chapter 1: The Mask of Normalcy

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Scene 1: Han Se-gye's Transformations

Description: Han Se-gye, a successful actress, struggles with her monthly transformations into different people. She feels frustrated and confused by these sudden changes in her appearance, which disrupt her life and career.


Han Se-gye: "Why does this keep happening to me?"

Yoo Woo-mi: "It's going to be okay, Se-gye. We'll figure it out together."

Scene 2: Media's Growing Awareness

Description: Han Se-gye's manager, Yoo Woo-mi, expresses concern about the media's growing awareness of Han Se-gye's transformations. She worries about the impact on Han Se-gye's career and offers her support and encouragement.


Yoo Woo-mi: "The media is starting to catch on. We need to be careful."

Han Se-gye: "I won't let this ruin my career. I'll find a way to handle it."
Yoo Woo-mi: "I believe in you, Se-gye. We'll get through this together."

Scene 3: Yoo Woo-mi's Concern

Description: Yoo Woo-mi continues to express her concern for Han Se-gye's well-being and offers her unwavering support as they navigate the challenges posed by Han Se-gye's transformations.


Yoo Woo-mi: "You're not alone, Se-gye. We'll find a way to manage this."

Han Se-gye: "Thank you, Woo-mi. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Yoo Woo-mi: "We'll face this together, one step at a time."

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